R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > y <- c(-41,55,30,0,17,-61,27,1,-67,80,-70,41,-37,0,7,-50,74,79,56,18,4,15,69,-6,32,57,59,68,-39,8,-349,169,51,43,58) > x <- c(1.6,1.8,5.2,4.1,0.4,2.7,2.4,2.6,2.4,7.2,3.7,8.4,1.5,8.0,0.0,7.1,2.8,8.2,2.3,5.0,5.9,6.2,3.6,1.6,3.2,2.6,1.6,5.8,2.8,1.2,-1.5,7.8,2.5,9.6,7.4) > par2 = 'two.sided' > par1 = 'pearson' > ylab = 'Y-Variable-Name' > xlab = 'X-Variable-name' > #'GNU S' R Code compiled by R2WASP v# 1#0#44 ## > #Author: Dr# Ian E# Holliday > #To cite this work: Ian E# Holliday, 2009, YOUR SOFTWARE TITLE #vNUMBER# in Free Statistics Software #v$_version#, Office for Research Development and Education, URL http://www#wessa#net/rwasp_YOURPAGE#wasp/ > #Source of accompanying publication: > #Technical description: > postscript(file="/var/www/html/rcomp/tmp/1mdiw1274093140.ps",horizontal=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > plot#x,y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab# function (x, y, ...) { if (is.function(x) && is.null(attr(x, "class"))) { if (missing(y)) y <- NULL hasylab <- function(...) !all(is.na(pmatch(names(list(...)), "ylab"))) if (hasylab(...)) plot.function(x, y, ...) else plot.function(x, y, ylab = paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "(x)"), ...) } else UseMethod("plot") } > abline#coef=#lm#y ~ x##$coeff, col='red'# function (a = NULL, b = NULL, h = NULL, v = NULL, reg = NULL, coef = NULL, untf = FALSE, ...) { int_abline <- function(a, b, h, v, untf, col = par("col"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), ...) .Internal(abline(a, b, h, v, untf, col, lty, lwd, ...)) if (!is.null(reg)) { if (!is.null(a)) warning("'a' is overridden by 'reg'") a <- reg } if (is.object(a) || is.list(a)) { p <- length(coefa <- as.vector(coef(a))) if (p > 2) warning("only using the first two of ", p, "regression coefficients") islm <- inherits(a, "lm") noInt <- if (islm) !as.logical(attr(stats::terms(a), "intercept")) else p == 1 if (noInt) { a <- 0 b <- coefa[1L] } else { a <- coefa[1L] b <- if (p >= 2) coefa[2L] else 0 } } if (!is.null(coef)) { if (!is.null(a)) warning("'a' and 'b' are overridden by 'coef'") a <- coef[1L] b <- coef[2L] } int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) invisible() } > ctp<-cor#test#x, y, use='pair', method='pearson'# > legend#'bottomright', c#'cor =', as#character#round#ctp$estimate, digits=4#### function (x, y = NULL, legend, fill = NULL, col = par("col"), lty, lwd, pch, angle = 45, density = NULL, bty = "o", bg = par("bg"), box.lwd = par("lwd"), box.lty = par("lty"), box.col = par("fg"), pt.bg = NA, cex = 1, pt.cex = cex, pt.lwd = lwd, xjust = 0, yjust = 1, x.intersp = 1, y.intersp = 1, adj = c(0, 0.5), text.width = NULL, text.col = par("col"), merge = do.lines && has.pch, trace = FALSE, plot = TRUE, ncol = 1, horiz = FALSE, title = NULL, inset = 0, xpd, title.col = text.col) { if (missing(legend) && !missing(y) && (is.character(y) || is.expression(y))) { legend <- y y <- NULL } mfill <- !missing(fill) || !missing(density) if (!missing(xpd)) { op <- par("xpd") on.exit(par(xpd = op)) par(xpd = xpd) } title <- as.graphicsAnnot(title) if (length(title) > 1) stop("invalid title") legend <- as.graphicsAnnot(legend) n.leg <- if (is.call(legend)) 1 else length(legend) if (n.leg == 0) stop("'legend' is of length 0") auto <- if (is.character(x)) match.arg(x, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center")) else NA if (is.na(auto)) { xy <- xy.coords(x, y) x <- xy$x y <- xy$y nx <- length(x) if (nx < 1 || nx > 2) stop("invalid coordinate lengths") } else nx <- 0 xlog <- par("xlog") ylog <- par("ylog") rect2 <- function(left, top, dx, dy, density = NULL, angle, ...) { r <- left + dx if (xlog) { left <- 10^left r <- 10^r } b <- top - dy if (ylog) { top <- 10^top b <- 10^b } rect(left, top, r, b, angle = angle, density = density, ...) } segments2 <- function(x1, y1, dx, dy, ...) { x2 <- x1 + dx if (xlog) { x1 <- 10^x1 x2 <- 10^x2 } y2 <- y1 + dy if (ylog) { y1 <- 10^y1 y2 <- 10^y2 } segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) } points2 <- function(x, y, ...) { if (xlog) x <- 10^x if (ylog) y <- 10^y points(x, y, ...) } text2 <- function(x, y, ...) { if (xlog) x <- 10^x if (ylog) y <- 10^y text(x, y, ...) } if (trace) catn <- function(...) do.call("cat", c(lapply(list(...), formatC), list("\n"))) cin <- par("cin") Cex <- cex * par("cex") if (is.null(text.width)) text.width <- max(abs(strwidth(legend, units = "user", cex = cex))) else if (!is.numeric(text.width) || text.width < 0) stop("'text.width' must be numeric, >= 0") xc <- Cex * xinch(cin[1L], warn.log = FALSE) yc <- Cex * yinch(cin[2L], warn.log = FALSE) if (xc < 0) text.width <- -text.width xchar <- xc xextra <- 0 yextra <- yc * (y.intersp - 1) ymax <- yc * max(1, strheight(legend, units = "user", cex = cex)/yc) ychar <- yextra + ymax if (trace) catn(" xchar=", xchar, "; (yextra,ychar)=", c(yextra, ychar)) if (mfill) { xbox <- xc * 0.8 ybox <- yc * 0.5 dx.fill <- xbox } do.lines <- (!missing(lty) && (is.character(lty) || any(lty > 0))) || !missing(lwd) n.legpercol <- if (horiz) { if (ncol != 1) warning("horizontal specification overrides: Number of columns := ", n.leg) ncol <- n.leg 1 } else ceiling(n.leg/ncol) has.pch <- !missing(pch) && length(pch) > 0 if (do.lines) { x.off <- if (merge) -0.7 else 0 } else if (merge) warning("'merge = TRUE' has no effect when no line segments are drawn") if (has.pch) { if (is.character(pch) && !is.na(pch[1L]) && nchar(pch[1L], type = "c") > 1) { if (length(pch) > 1) warning("not using pch[2..] since pch[1L] has multiple chars") np <- nchar(pch[1L], type = "c") pch <- substr(rep.int(pch[1L], np), 1L:np, 1L:np) } } if (is.na(auto)) { if (xlog) x <- log10(x) if (ylog) y <- log10(y) } if (nx == 2) { x <- sort(x) y <- sort(y) left <- x[1L] top <- y[2L] w <- diff(x) h <- diff(y) w0 <- w/ncol x <- mean(x) y <- mean(y) if (missing(xjust)) xjust <- 0.5 if (missing(yjust)) yjust <- 0.5 } else { h <- (n.legpercol + (!is.null(title))) * ychar + yc w0 <- text.width + (x.intersp + 1) * xchar if (mfill) w0 <- w0 + dx.fill if (do.lines) w0 <- w0 + (2 + x.off) * xchar w <- ncol * w0 + 0.5 * xchar if (!is.null(title) && (abs(tw <- strwidth(title, units = "user", cex = cex) + 0.5 * xchar)) > abs(w)) { xextra <- (tw - w)/2 w <- tw } if (is.na(auto)) { left <- x - xjust * w top <- y + (1 - yjust) * h } else { usr <- par("usr") inset <- rep(inset, length.out = 2) insetx <- inset[1L] * (usr[2L] - usr[1L]) left <- switch(auto, bottomright = , topright = , right = usr[2L] - w - insetx, bottomleft = , left = , topleft = usr[1L] + insetx, bottom = , top = , center = (usr[1L] + usr[2L] - w)/2) insety <- inset[2L] * (usr[4L] - usr[3L]) top <- switch(auto, bottomright = , bottom = , bottomleft = usr[3L] + h + insety, topleft = , top = , topright = usr[4L] - insety, left = , right = , center = (usr[3L] + usr[4L] + h)/2) } } if (plot && bty != "n") { if (trace) catn(" rect2(", left, ",", top, ", w=", w, ", h=", h, ", ...)", sep = "") rect2(left, top, dx = w, dy = h, col = bg, density = NULL, lwd = box.lwd, lty = box.lty, border = box.col) } xt <- left + xchar + xextra + (w0 * rep.int(0:(ncol - 1), rep.int(n.legpercol, ncol)))[1L:n.leg] yt <- top - 0.5 * yextra - ymax - (rep.int(1L:n.legpercol, ncol)[1L:n.leg] - 1 + (!is.null(title))) * ychar if (mfill) { if (plot) { fill <- rep(fill, length.out = n.leg) rect2(left = xt, top = yt + ybox/2, dx = xbox, dy = ybox, col = fill, density = density, angle = angle, border = "black") } xt <- xt + dx.fill } if (plot && (has.pch || do.lines)) col <- rep(col, length.out = n.leg) if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- par("lwd") if (do.lines) { seg.len <- 2 if (missing(lty)) lty <- 1 lty <- rep(lty, length.out = n.leg) lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = n.leg) ok.l <- !is.na(lty) & (is.character(lty) | lty > 0) if (trace) catn(" segments2(", xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, ",", yt[ok.l], ", dx=", seg.len * xchar, ", dy=0, ...)") if (plot) segments2(xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, yt[ok.l], dx = seg.len * xchar, dy = 0, lty = lty[ok.l], lwd = lwd[ok.l], col = col[ok.l]) xt <- xt + (seg.len + x.off) * xchar } if (has.pch) { pch <- rep(pch, length.out = n.leg) pt.bg <- rep(pt.bg, length.out = n.leg) pt.cex <- rep(pt.cex, length.out = n.leg) pt.lwd <- rep(pt.lwd, length.out = n.leg) ok <- !is.na(pch) & (is.character(pch) | pch >= 0) x1 <- (if (merge && do.lines) xt - (seg.len/2) * xchar else xt)[ok] y1 <- yt[ok] if (trace) catn(" points2(", x1, ",", y1, ", pch=", pch[ok], ", ...)") if (plot) points2(x1, y1, pch = pch[ok], col = col[ok], cex = pt.cex[ok], bg = pt.bg[ok], lwd = pt.lwd[ok]) } xt <- xt + x.intersp * xchar if (plot) { if (!is.null(title)) text2(left + w/2, top - ymax, labels = title, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = cex, col = title.col) text2(xt, yt, labels = legend, adj = adj, cex = cex, col = text.col) } invisible(list(rect = list(w = w, h = h, left = left, top = top), text = list(x = xt, y = yt))) } > dev#off## Error: object 'dev' not found Execution halted