R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > x <- array(list(13807 + ,0 + ,19169 + ,22782 + ,20366 + ,29743 + ,0 + ,13807 + ,19169 + ,22782 + ,25591 + ,0 + ,29743 + ,13807 + ,19169 + ,29096 + ,0 + ,25591 + ,29743 + ,13807 + ,26482 + ,0 + ,29096 + ,25591 + ,29743 + ,22405 + ,0 + ,26482 + ,29096 + ,25591 + ,27044 + ,0 + ,22405 + ,26482 + ,29096 + ,17970 + ,0 + ,27044 + ,22405 + ,26482 + ,18730 + ,0 + ,17970 + ,27044 + ,22405 + ,19684 + ,0 + ,18730 + ,17970 + ,27044 + ,19785 + ,0 + ,19684 + ,18730 + ,17970 + ,18479 + ,0 + ,19785 + ,19684 + ,18730 + ,10698 + ,0 + ,18479 + ,19785 + ,19684 + ,31956 + ,0 + ,10698 + ,18479 + ,19785 + ,29506 + ,0 + ,31956 + ,10698 + ,18479 + ,34506 + ,0 + ,29506 + ,31956 + ,10698 + ,27165 + ,0 + ,34506 + ,29506 + ,31956 + ,26736 + ,0 + ,27165 + ,34506 + ,29506 + ,23691 + ,0 + ,26736 + ,27165 + ,34506 + ,18157 + ,0 + ,23691 + ,26736 + ,27165 + ,17328 + ,0 + ,18157 + ,23691 + ,26736 + ,18205 + ,0 + ,17328 + ,18157 + ,23691 + ,20995 + ,0 + ,18205 + ,17328 + ,18157 + ,17382 + ,0 + ,20995 + ,18205 + ,17328 + ,9367 + ,0 + ,17382 + ,20995 + ,18205 + ,31124 + ,0 + ,9367 + ,17382 + ,20995 + ,26551 + ,0 + ,31124 + ,9367 + ,17382 + ,30651 + ,0 + ,26551 + ,31124 + ,9367 + ,25859 + ,0 + ,30651 + ,26551 + ,31124 + ,25100 + ,0 + ,25859 + ,30651 + ,26551 + ,25778 + ,0 + ,25100 + ,25859 + ,30651 + ,20418 + ,0 + ,25778 + ,25100 + ,25859 + ,18688 + ,0 + ,20418 + ,25778 + ,25100 + ,20424 + ,0 + ,18688 + ,20418 + ,25778 + ,24776 + ,0 + ,20424 + ,18688 + ,20418 + ,19814 + ,0 + ,24776 + ,20424 + ,18688 + ,12738 + ,0 + ,19814 + ,24776 + ,20424 + ,31566 + ,0 + ,12738 + ,19814 + ,24776 + ,30111 + ,0 + ,31566 + ,12738 + ,19814 + ,30019 + ,0 + ,30111 + ,31566 + ,12738 + ,31934 + ,1 + ,30019 + ,30111 + ,31566 + ,25826 + ,1 + ,31934 + ,30019 + ,30111 + ,26835 + ,1 + ,25826 + ,31934 + ,30019 + ,20205 + ,1 + ,26835 + ,25826 + ,31934 + ,17789 + ,1 + ,20205 + ,26835 + ,25826 + ,20520 + ,1 + ,17789 + ,20205 + ,26835 + ,22518 + ,1 + ,20520 + ,17789 + ,20205 + ,15572 + ,1 + ,22518 + ,20520 + ,17789 + ,11509 + ,1 + ,15572 + ,22518 + ,20520 + ,25447 + ,1 + ,11509 + ,15572 + ,22518 + ,24090 + ,1 + ,25447 + ,11509 + ,15572 + ,27786 + ,1 + ,24090 + ,25447 + ,11509 + ,26195 + ,1 + ,27786 + ,24090 + ,25447 + ,20516 + ,1 + ,26195 + ,27786 + ,24090 + ,22759 + ,1 + ,20516 + ,26195 + ,27786 + ,19028 + ,1 + ,22759 + ,20516 + ,26195 + ,16971 + ,1 + ,19028 + ,22759 + ,20516 + ,20036 + ,1 + ,16971 + ,19028 + ,22759) + ,dim=c(5 + ,58) + ,dimnames=list(c('Y' + ,'X' + ,'Y1' + ,'Y2' + ,'Y3' + ,'') + ,1:58)) Error in dimnames(data) <- dimnames : length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent Calls: array Execution halted