R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > x <- c(227.86 + ,198.24 + ,194.97 + ,184.88 + ,196.79 + ,205.36 + ,226.72 + ,226.05 + ,202.50 + ,194.79 + ,192.43 + ,219.25 + ,217.47 + ,192.34 + ,196.83 + ,186.07 + ,197.31 + ,215.02 + ,242.67 + ,225.17 + ,206.69 + ,197.75 + ,196.43 + ,213.55 + ,222.75 + ,194.03 + ,201.85 + ,189.50 + ,206.07 + ,225.59 + ,247.91 + ,247.64 + ,213.01 + ,203.01 + ,200.26 + ,220.50 + ,237.90 + ,216.94 + ,214.01 + ,196.00 + ,208.37 + ,232.75 + ,257.46 + ,267.69 + ,220.18 + ,210.61 + ,209.59 + ,232.75 + ,232.75 + ,219.82 + ,226.74 + ,208.04 + ,220.12 + ,235.69 + ,257.05 + ,258.69 + ,227.15 + ,219.91 + ,219.30 + ,259.04 + ,237.29 + ,212.88 + ,226.03 + ,211.07 + ,222.91 + ,249.18 + ,266.38 + ,268.53 + ,238.02 + ,224.69 + ,213.75 + ,237.43 + ,248.46 + ,210.82 + ,221.40 + ,209.00 + ,234.37 + ,248.43 + ,271.98 + ,268.11 + ,233.88 + ,223.43 + ,221.38 + ,233.76 + ,243.97 + ,217.76 + ,224.66 + ,210.84 + ,220.35 + ,236.84 + ,266.15 + ,255.20 + ,234.76 + ,221.29 + ,221.26 + ,244.13 + ,245.78 + ,224.62 + ,234.80 + ,211.37 + ,222.39 + ,249.63 + ,282.29 + ,279.13 + ,236.60 + ,223.62 + ,225.86 + ,246.41 + ,261.70 + ,225.01 + ,231.54 + ,214.82 + ,227.70 + ,263.86 + ,278.15 + ,274.64 + ,237.66 + ,227.97 + ,224.75 + ,242.91 + ,253.08 + ,228.13 + ,233.68 + ,217.38 + ,236.38 + ,256.08 + ,292.83 + ,304.71 + ,245.57 + ,234.41 + ,234.12 + ,258.17 + ,268.66 + ,245.31 + ,247.47 + ,226.25 + ,251.67 + ,268.79 + ,288.94 + ,290.16 + ,250.69 + ,240.80) > par3 = '0.01' > par2 = '0.99' > par1 = '0.01' > ylab = 'Opgewekte elekctriciteit' > xlab = 'quantile' > main = 'Harrell-Davis Quantiles' > #'GNU S' R Code compiled by R2WASP v. 1.0.44 () > #Author: Prof. Dr. P. Wessa > #To cite this work: AUTHOR(S), (YEAR), YOUR SOFTWARE TITLE (vNUMBER) in Free Statistics Software (v$_version), Office for Research Development and Education, URL http://www.wessa.net/rwasp_YOURPAGE.wasp/ > #Source of accompanying publication: Office for Research, Development, and Education > #Technical description: Write here your technical program description (don't use hard returns!) > par1 <- as(par1,'numeric') > par2 <- as(par2,'numeric') > par3 <- as(par3,'numeric') > library(Hmisc) Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Attaching package: 'Hmisc' The following object(s) are masked from package:survival : untangle.specials The following object(s) are masked from package:base : format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units > myseq <- seq(par1, par2, par3) > hd <- hdquantile(x, probs = myseq, se = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE, weights=FALSE) > postscript(file="/var/www/html/rcomp/tmp/1dx6m1268054105.ps",horizontal=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > plot(myseq,hd,col=2,main=main,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > > #Note: the /var/www/html/rcomp/createtable file can be downloaded at http://www.wessa.net/cretab > load(file="/var/www/html/rcomp/createtable") > > a<-table.start() > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a,'Harrell-Davis Quantiles',3,TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a,'quantiles',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'value',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'standard error',header=TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > length(hd) [1] 99 > for (i in 1:length(hd)) + { + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,as(labels(hd)[i],'numeric'),header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,as.matrix(hd[i])[1,1]) + a<-table.element(a,as.matrix(attr(hd,'se')[i])[1,1]) + a<-table.row.end(a) + } > a<-table.end(a) > table.save(a,file="/var/www/html/rcomp/tmp/2af4q1268054105.tab") > > try(system("convert tmp/1dx6m1268054105.ps tmp/1dx6m1268054105.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.866 0.215 1.237