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Type 'q()' to quit R. > y <- c(268.5 + ,270.5 + ,270.9 + ,270.1 + ,269.3 + ,269.8 + ,270.1 + ,264.9 + ,263.7 + ,264.8 + ,263.7 + ,255.9 + ,276.2 + ,360.1 + ,380.5 + ,373.7 + ,369.8 + ,366.6 + ,359.3 + ,345.8 + ,326.2 + ,324.5 + ,328.1 + ,327.5 + ,324.4 + ,316.5 + ,310.9 + ,301.5 + ,291.7 + ,290.4 + ,287.4 + ,277.7 + ,281.6 + ,288 + ,276 + ,272.9 + ,283 + ,283.3 + ,276.8 + ,284.5 + ,282.7 + ,281.2 + ,287.4 + ,283.1 + ,284 + ,285.5 + ,289.2 + ,292.5 + ,296.4 + ,305.2 + ,303.9 + ,311.5 + ,316.3 + ,316.7 + ,322.5 + ,317.1 + ,309.8 + ,303.8 + ,290.3 + ,293.7 + ,291.7 + ,296.5 + ,289.1 + ,288.5 + ,293.8 + ,297.7 + ,305.4 + ,302.7 + ,302.5 + ,303 + ,294.5 + ,294.1 + ,294.5 + ,297.1 + ,289.4 + ,292.4 + ,287.9 + ,286.6 + ,280.5 + ,272.4 + ,269.2 + ,270.6 + ,267.3 + ,262.5 + ,266.8 + ,268.8 + ,263.1 + ,261.2 + ,266 + ,262.5 + ,265.2 + ,261.3 + ,253.7 + ,249.2 + ,239.1 + ,236.4 + ,235.2 + ,245.2 + ,246.2 + ,247.7 + ,251.4 + ,253.3 + ,254.8 + ,250 + ,249.3 + ,241.5 + ,243.3 + ,248 + ,253 + ,252.9 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,66.28 + ,55.62 + ,55.23 + ,55.85 + ,56.75 + ,50.89 + ,53.88 + ,52.95 + ,55.08 + ,53.61 + ,58.78 + ,61.85 + ,55.91 + ,53.32 + ,46.41 + ,44.57 + ,50 + ,50 + ,53.36 + ,46.23 + ,50.45 + ,49.07 + ,45.85 + ,48.45 + ,49.96 + ,46.53 + ,50.51 + ,47.58 + ,48.05 + ,46.84 + ,47.67 + ,49.16 + ,55.54 + ,55.82 + ,58.22 + ,56.19 + ,57.77 + ,63.19 + ,54.76 + ,55.74 + ,62.54 + ,61.39 + ,69.6 + ,79.23 + ,80 + ,93.68 + ,107.63 + ,100.18 + ,97.3 + ,90.45 + ,80.64 + ,80.58 + ,75.82 + ,85.59 + ,89.35 + ,89.42 + ,104.73 + ,95.32 + ,89.27 + ,90.44 + ,86.97 + ,79.98 + ,81.22 + ,87.35 + ,83.64 + ,82.22 + ,94.4 + ,102.18) > par1 = '0' > #'GNU S' R Code compiled by R2WASP v. 1.0.44 () > #Author: Prof. Dr. P. Wessa > #To cite this work: AUTHOR(S), (YEAR), YOUR SOFTWARE TITLE (vNUMBER) in Free Statistics Software (v$_version), Office for Research Development and Education, URL http://www.wessa.net/rwasp_YOURPAGE.wasp/ > #Source of accompanying publication: Office for Research, Development, and Education > #Technical description: Write here your technical program description (don't use hard returns!) > par1 <- as.numeric(par1) > library(lattice) > z <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y)) Warning message: In cbind(x, y) : number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) > m <- lm(y~x) Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ x, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) : variable lengths differ (found for 'x') Calls: lm -> eval -> eval -> model.frame -> model.frame.default Execution halted