R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15) Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > x <- array(list(47.38555556 + ,46 + ,26 + ,99 + ,24.06138889 + ,48 + ,20 + ,77 + ,31.4825 + ,37 + ,24 + ,90 + ,42.36388889 + ,75 + ,25 + ,96 + ,23.94611111 + ,31 + ,15 + ,41 + ,10.34916667 + ,18 + ,16 + ,64 + ,85.01527778 + ,79 + ,20 + ,76 + ,9.097222222 + ,16 + ,18 + ,67 + ,32.36166667 + ,38 + ,19 + ,72 + ,36.26083333 + ,24 + ,20 + ,75 + ,44.96555556 + ,65 + ,30 + ,113 + ,35.63166667 + ,74 + ,37 + ,139 + ,28.43055556 + ,43 + ,23 + ,76 + ,53.61777778 + ,42 + ,36 + ,123 + ,39.32611111 + ,55 + ,29 + ,110 + ,70.43305556 + ,121 + ,35 + ,133 + ,50.30833333 + ,42 + ,24 + ,92 + ,55.12 + ,102 + ,22 + ,83 + ,31.62583333 + ,36 + ,19 + ,72 + ,44.42777778 + ,50 + ,30 + ,115 + ,46.33944444 + ,48 + ,27 + ,99 + ,79.63194444 + ,56 + ,26 + ,92 + ,25.46027778 + ,19 + ,15 + ,56 + ,30.07722222 + ,32 + ,30 + ,120 + ,40.65055556 + ,77 + ,28 + ,107 + ,40.31722222 + ,90 + ,24 + ,90 + ,44.92777778 + ,81 + ,21 + ,78 + ,44.69583333 + ,55 + ,27 + ,103 + ,29.69111111 + ,34 + ,21 + ,81 + ,52.26388889 + ,38 + ,30 + ,114 + ,52.61138889 + ,53 + ,30 + ,115 + ,35.96777778 + ,48 + ,33 + ,118 + ,56.675 + ,63 + ,30 + ,113 + ,17.42527778 + ,25 + ,20 + ,75 + ,67.67361111 + ,56 + ,27 + ,103 + ,46.45972222 + ,37 + ,25 + ,93 + ,73.48 + ,83 + ,30 + ,114 + ,33.89555556 + ,50 + ,20 + ,76 + ,22.49 + ,26 + ,8 + ,27 + ,58.27638889 + ,108 + ,24 + ,92 + ,62.27916667 + ,55 + ,25 + ,96 + ,32.21416667 + ,41 + ,25 + ,92 + ,38.38638889 + ,49 + ,21 + ,76 + ,22.52944444 + ,31 + ,21 + ,79 + ,25.86805556 + ,49 + ,21 + ,57 + ,84.93222222 + ,96 + ,26 + ,99 + ,21.88888889 + ,42 + ,26 + ,82 + ,44.12083333 + ,55 + ,30 + ,113 + ,61.59583333 + ,70 + ,34 + ,129 + ,36.41888889 + ,39 + ,30 + ,110 + ,35.75944444 + ,53 + ,18 + ,78 + ,6.718888889 + ,24 + ,4 + ,12 + ,71.57277778 + ,209 + ,31 + ,114 + ,18.06361111 + ,17 + ,18 + ,67 + ,27.24055556 + ,58 + ,14 + ,52 + ,48.21861111 + ,27 + ,20 + ,76 + ,50.01166667 + ,58 + ,36 + ,138 + ,54.79611111 + ,114 + ,24 + ,92 + ,58.90555556 + ,75 + ,26 + ,93 + ,39.32833333 + ,51 + ,22 + ,83 + ,68.08527778 + ,86 + ,31 + ,118 + ,57.46638889 + ,77 + ,21 + ,77 + ,40.47111111 + ,62 + ,31 + ,122 + ,47.39861111 + ,60 + ,26 + ,99 + ,39.46222222 + ,39 + ,24 + ,92 + ,31.89444444 + ,35 + ,15 + ,58 + ,31.51694444 + ,86 + ,19 + ,73 + ,40.35694444 + ,102 + ,28 + ,103 + ,41.94416667 + ,49 + ,24 + ,92 + ,25.50333333 + ,35 + ,18 + ,69 + ,33.00194444 + ,33 + ,25 + ,95 + ,19.2975 + ,28 + ,20 + ,76 + ,35.175 + ,44 + ,25 + ,95 + ,40.53 + ,37 + ,24 + ,92 + ,27.33138889 + ,33 + ,23 + ,88 + ,53.035 + ,45 + ,25 + ,95 + ,55.22138889 + ,57 + ,20 + ,76 + ,29.49805556 + ,58 + ,23 + ,87 + ,24.81055556 + ,36 + ,22 + ,84 + ,33.43388889 + ,42 + ,25 + ,95 + ,27.44194444 + ,30 + ,18 + ,69 + ,76.37583333 + ,67 + ,30 + ,115 + ,36.88833333 + ,53 + ,22 + ,83 + ,37.56972222 + ,59 + ,25 + ,47 + ,22.48694444 + ,25 + ,8 + ,28 + ,30.34361111 + ,39 + ,21 + ,79 + ,26.84277778 + ,36 + ,22 + ,83 + ,62.83083333 + ,114 + ,24 + ,92 + ,47.57944444 + ,54 + ,30 + ,98 + ,32.72638889 + ,70 + ,27 + ,103 + ,37.10027778 + ,51 + ,24 + ,89 + ,42.27583333 + ,49 + ,25 + ,95 + ,31.11222222 + ,42 + ,21 + ,78 + ,47.11472222 + ,51 + ,24 + ,92 + ,52.07861111 + ,51 + ,24 + ,92 + ,36.25916667 + ,27 + ,20 + ,76 + ,39.53861111 + ,29 + ,20 + ,67 + ,52.71222222 + ,54 + ,24 + ,92 + ,56.00083333 + ,92 + ,40 + ,151 + ,68.565 + ,72 + ,22 + ,83 + ,43.31861111 + ,63 + ,31 + ,118 + ,50.71694444 + ,41 + ,26 + ,98 + ,29.54194444 + ,111 + ,20 + ,76 + ,12.02416667 + ,14 + ,19 + ,71 + ,35.41472222 + ,45 + ,15 + ,57 + ,35.53611111 + ,91 + ,21 + ,79 + ,41.39055556 + ,29 + ,22 + ,83 + ,52.12583333 + ,64 + ,24 + ,92 + ,20.58666667 + ,32 + ,19 + ,75 + ,26.11277778 + ,65 + ,24 + ,95 + ,49.0625 + ,42 + ,23 + ,88 + ,39.42583333 + ,55 + ,27 + ,99 + ,6.371666667 + ,10 + ,1 + ,0 + ,34.97972222 + ,53 + ,24 + ,91 + ,17.1825 + ,25 + ,11 + ,32 + ,25.35833333 + ,33 + ,27 + ,101 + ,70.86111111 + ,66 + ,22 + ,84 + ,5.848333333 + ,16 + ,0 + ,0 + ,46.97027778 + ,35 + ,17 + ,60 + ,8.726111111 + ,19 + ,8 + ,25 + ,52.41694444 + ,76 + ,24 + ,90 + ,38.20666667 + ,35 + ,31 + ,115 + ,21.435 + ,46 + ,24 + ,92 + ,20.71305556 + ,29 + ,20 + ,71 + ,10.615 + ,34 + ,8 + ,27 + ,25.26694444 + ,25 + ,22 + ,83 + ,53.95111111 + ,48 + ,33 + ,126 + ,37.5725 + ,38 + ,33 + ,125 + ,67.85333333 + ,50 + ,31 + ,119 + ,56.04111111 + ,65 + ,33 + ,127 + ,71.22277778 + ,72 + ,35 + ,133 + ,38.65111111 + ,23 + ,21 + ,79 + ,21.24166667 + ,29 + ,20 + ,76 + ,52.63944444 + ,194 + ,24 + ,92 + ,77.87055556 + ,114 + ,29 + ,109 + ,14.16638889 + ,15 + ,20 + ,76 + ,70.35388889 + ,86 + ,27 + ,100 + ,28.6775 + ,50 + ,24 + ,87 + ,46.68305556 + ,33 + ,26 + ,97 + ,35.76888889 + ,50 + ,26 + ,95 + ,21.04055556 + ,72 + ,12 + ,48 + ,69.23111111 + ,81 + ,21 + ,80 + ,42.32388889 + ,54 + ,24 + ,91 + ,48.12777778 + ,63 + ,21 + ,79 + ,54.77694444 + ,69 + ,30 + ,114 + ,18.75194444 + ,39 + ,32 + ,120 + ,38.72472222 + ,49 + ,24 + ,89 + ,51.49055556 + ,67 + ,29 + ,111 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,4.08 + ,10 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0.027222222 + ,1 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0.126388889 + ,2 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,38.30138889 + ,58 + ,20 + ,74 + ,51.46888889 + ,72 + ,27 + ,107 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0 + ,0.056388889 + ,4 + ,0 + ,0 + ,1.999722222 + ,5 + ,0 + ,0 + ,12.96111111 + ,20 + ,5 + ,15 + ,4.874166667 + ,5 + ,1 + ,4 + ,20.43527778 + ,27 + ,23 + ,82 + ,0.269166667 + ,2 + ,0 + ,0 + ,29.29916667 + ,33 + ,16 + ,54) + ,dim=c(4 + ,164) + ,dimnames=list(c('Total_time' + ,'Logins' + ,'Reviewed_compendiums' + ,'long_feedback') + ,1:164)) > y <- array(NA,dim=c(4,164),dimnames=list(c('Total_time','Logins','Reviewed_compendiums','long_feedback'),1:164)) > for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) + { + for (j in 1:dim(x)[2]) + { + y[i,j] <- as.numeric(x[i,j]) + } + } > par3 = 'No Linear Trend' > par2 = 'Do not include Seasonal Dummies' > par1 = '3' > library(lattice) > library(lmtest) Loading required package: zoo > n25 <- 25 #minimum number of obs. for Goldfeld-Quandt test > par1 <- as.numeric(par1) > x <- t(y) > k <- length(x[1,]) > n <- length(x[,1]) > x1 <- cbind(x[,par1], x[,1:k!=par1]) > mycolnames <- c(colnames(x)[par1], colnames(x)[1:k!=par1]) > colnames(x1) <- mycolnames #colnames(x)[par1] > x <- x1 > if (par3 == 'First Differences'){ + x2 <- array(0, dim=c(n-1,k), dimnames=list(1:(n-1), paste('(1-B)',colnames(x),sep=''))) + for (i in 1:n-1) { + for (j in 1:k) { + x2[i,j] <- x[i+1,j] - x[i,j] + } + } + x <- x2 + } > if (par2 == 'Include Monthly Dummies'){ + x2 <- array(0, dim=c(n,11), dimnames=list(1:n, paste('M', seq(1:11), sep =''))) + for (i in 1:11){ + x2[seq(i,n,12),i] <- 1 + } + x <- cbind(x, x2) + } > if (par2 == 'Include Quarterly Dummies'){ + x2 <- array(0, dim=c(n,3), dimnames=list(1:n, paste('Q', seq(1:3), sep =''))) + for (i in 1:3){ + x2[seq(i,n,4),i] <- 1 + } + x <- cbind(x, x2) + } > k <- length(x[1,]) > if (par3 == 'Linear Trend'){ + x <- cbind(x, c(1:n)) + colnames(x)[k+1] <- 't' + } > x Reviewed_compendiums Total_time Logins long_feedback 1 26 47.38555556 46 99 2 20 24.06138889 48 77 3 24 31.48250000 37 90 4 25 42.36388889 75 96 5 15 23.94611111 31 41 6 16 10.34916667 18 64 7 20 85.01527778 79 76 8 18 9.09722222 16 67 9 19 32.36166667 38 72 10 20 36.26083333 24 75 11 30 44.96555556 65 113 12 37 35.63166667 74 139 13 23 28.43055556 43 76 14 36 53.61777778 42 123 15 29 39.32611111 55 110 16 35 70.43305556 121 133 17 24 50.30833333 42 92 18 22 55.12000000 102 83 19 19 31.62583333 36 72 20 30 44.42777778 50 115 21 27 46.33944444 48 99 22 26 79.63194444 56 92 23 15 25.46027778 19 56 24 30 30.07722222 32 120 25 28 40.65055556 77 107 26 24 40.31722222 90 90 27 21 44.92777778 81 78 28 27 44.69583333 55 103 29 21 29.69111111 34 81 30 30 52.26388889 38 114 31 30 52.61138889 53 115 32 33 35.96777778 48 118 33 30 56.67500000 63 113 34 20 17.42527778 25 75 35 27 67.67361111 56 103 36 25 46.45972222 37 93 37 30 73.48000000 83 114 38 20 33.89555556 50 76 39 8 22.49000000 26 27 40 24 58.27638889 108 92 41 25 62.27916667 55 96 42 25 32.21416667 41 92 43 21 38.38638889 49 76 44 21 22.52944444 31 79 45 21 25.86805556 49 57 46 26 84.93222222 96 99 47 26 21.88888889 42 82 48 30 44.12083333 55 113 49 34 61.59583333 70 129 50 30 36.41888889 39 110 51 18 35.75944444 53 78 52 4 6.71888889 24 12 53 31 71.57277778 209 114 54 18 18.06361111 17 67 55 14 27.24055556 58 52 56 20 48.21861111 27 76 57 36 50.01166667 58 138 58 24 54.79611111 114 92 59 26 58.90555556 75 93 60 22 39.32833333 51 83 61 31 68.08527778 86 118 62 21 57.46638889 77 77 63 31 40.47111111 62 122 64 26 47.39861111 60 99 65 24 39.46222222 39 92 66 15 31.89444444 35 58 67 19 31.51694444 86 73 68 28 40.35694444 102 103 69 24 41.94416667 49 92 70 18 25.50333333 35 69 71 25 33.00194444 33 95 72 20 19.29750000 28 76 73 25 35.17500000 44 95 74 24 40.53000000 37 92 75 23 27.33138889 33 88 76 25 53.03500000 45 95 77 20 55.22138889 57 76 78 23 29.49805556 58 87 79 22 24.81055556 36 84 80 25 33.43388889 42 95 81 18 27.44194444 30 69 82 30 76.37583333 67 115 83 22 36.88833333 53 83 84 25 37.56972222 59 47 85 8 22.48694444 25 28 86 21 30.34361111 39 79 87 22 26.84277778 36 83 88 24 62.83083333 114 92 89 30 47.57944444 54 98 90 27 32.72638889 70 103 91 24 37.10027778 51 89 92 25 42.27583333 49 95 93 21 31.11222222 42 78 94 24 47.11472222 51 92 95 24 52.07861111 51 92 96 20 36.25916667 27 76 97 20 39.53861111 29 67 98 24 52.71222222 54 92 99 40 56.00083333 92 151 100 22 68.56500000 72 83 101 31 43.31861111 63 118 102 26 50.71694444 41 98 103 20 29.54194444 111 76 104 19 12.02416667 14 71 105 15 35.41472222 45 57 106 21 35.53611111 91 79 107 22 41.39055556 29 83 108 24 52.12583333 64 92 109 19 20.58666667 32 75 110 24 26.11277778 65 95 111 23 49.06250000 42 88 112 27 39.42583333 55 99 113 1 6.37166667 10 0 114 24 34.97972222 53 91 115 11 17.18250000 25 32 116 27 25.35833333 33 101 117 22 70.86111111 66 84 118 0 5.84833333 16 0 119 17 46.97027778 35 60 120 8 8.72611111 19 25 121 24 52.41694444 76 90 122 31 38.20666667 35 115 123 24 21.43500000 46 92 124 20 20.71305556 29 71 125 8 10.61500000 34 27 126 22 25.26694444 25 83 127 33 53.95111111 48 126 128 33 37.57250000 38 125 129 31 67.85333333 50 119 130 33 56.04111111 65 127 131 35 71.22277778 72 133 132 21 38.65111111 23 79 133 20 21.24166667 29 76 134 24 52.63944444 194 92 135 29 77.87055556 114 109 136 20 14.16638889 15 76 137 27 70.35388889 86 100 138 24 28.67750000 50 87 139 26 46.68305556 33 97 140 26 35.76888889 50 95 141 12 21.04055556 72 48 142 21 69.23111111 81 80 143 24 42.32388889 54 91 144 21 48.12777778 63 79 145 30 54.77694444 69 114 146 32 18.75194444 39 120 147 24 38.72472222 49 89 148 29 51.49055556 67 111 149 0 0.00000000 0 0 150 0 4.08000000 10 0 151 0 0.02722222 1 0 152 0 0.12638889 2 0 153 0 0.00000000 0 0 154 0 0.00000000 0 0 155 20 38.30138889 58 74 156 27 51.46888889 72 107 157 0 0.00000000 0 0 158 0 0.05638889 4 0 159 0 1.99972222 5 0 160 5 12.96111111 20 15 161 1 4.87416667 5 4 162 23 20.43527778 27 82 163 0 0.26916667 2 0 164 16 29.29916667 33 54 > k <- length(x[1,]) > df <- as.data.frame(x) > (mylm <- lm(df)) Call: lm(formula = df) Coefficients: (Intercept) Total_time Logins long_feedback 0.8434492 0.0052882 0.0009164 0.2547275 > (mysum <- summary(mylm)) Call: lm(formula = df) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.9499 -0.5838 -0.2687 0.0949 11.9316 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.8434492 0.2872852 2.936 0.00382 ** Total_time 0.0052882 0.0094511 0.560 0.57658 Logins 0.0009164 0.0049365 0.186 0.85296 long_feedback 0.2547275 0.0047071 54.116 < 2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 1.383 on 160 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9753, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9748 F-statistic: 2104 on 3 and 160 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 > if (n > n25) { + kp3 <- k + 3 + nmkm3 <- n - k - 3 + gqarr <- array(NA, dim=c(nmkm3-kp3+1,3)) + numgqtests <- 0 + numsignificant1 <- 0 + numsignificant5 <- 0 + numsignificant10 <- 0 + for (mypoint in kp3:nmkm3) { + j <- 0 + numgqtests <- numgqtests + 1 + for (myalt in c('greater', 'two.sided', 'less')) { + j <- j + 1 + gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,j] <- gqtest(mylm, point=mypoint, alternative=myalt)$p.value + } + if (gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,2] < 0.01) numsignificant1 <- numsignificant1 + 1 + if (gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,2] < 0.05) numsignificant5 <- numsignificant5 + 1 + if (gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,2] < 0.10) numsignificant10 <- numsignificant10 + 1 + } + gqarr + } [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 0.789496288 4.210074e-01 2.105037e-01 [2,] 0.666956870 6.660863e-01 3.330431e-01 [3,] 0.550011969 8.999761e-01 4.499880e-01 [4,] 0.418846517 8.376930e-01 5.811535e-01 [5,] 0.441902806 8.838056e-01 5.580972e-01 [6,] 0.466938773 9.338775e-01 5.330612e-01 [7,] 0.619750370 7.604993e-01 3.802496e-01 [8,] 0.904089176 1.918216e-01 9.591082e-02 [9,] 0.866777368 2.664453e-01 1.332226e-01 [10,] 0.818912101 3.621758e-01 1.810879e-01 [11,] 0.796140089 4.077198e-01 2.038599e-01 [12,] 0.735963563 5.280729e-01 2.640364e-01 [13,] 0.685535798 6.289284e-01 3.144642e-01 [14,] 0.636011273 7.279775e-01 3.639887e-01 [15,] 0.569528288 8.609434e-01 4.304717e-01 [16,] 0.519856263 9.602875e-01 4.801437e-01 [17,] 0.465116510 9.302330e-01 5.348835e-01 [18,] 0.519384564 9.612309e-01 4.806154e-01 [19,] 0.453583506 9.071670e-01 5.464165e-01 [20,] 0.388780035 7.775601e-01 6.112200e-01 [21,] 0.326872805 6.537456e-01 6.731272e-01 [22,] 0.276639511 5.532790e-01 7.233605e-01 [23,] 0.243166984 4.863340e-01 7.568330e-01 [24,] 0.200482023 4.009640e-01 7.995180e-01 [25,] 0.165490908 3.309818e-01 8.345091e-01 [26,] 0.207300222 4.146004e-01 7.926998e-01 [27,] 0.166711237 3.334225e-01 8.332888e-01 [28,] 0.132293642 2.645873e-01 8.677064e-01 [29,] 0.111076106 2.221522e-01 8.889239e-01 [30,] 0.085623068 1.712461e-01 9.143769e-01 [31,] 0.066419926 1.328399e-01 9.335801e-01 [32,] 0.051772161 1.035443e-01 9.482278e-01 [33,] 0.038236338 7.647268e-02 9.617637e-01 [34,] 0.029051109 5.810222e-02 9.709489e-01 [35,] 0.023633665 4.726733e-02 9.763663e-01 [36,] 0.017514174 3.502835e-02 9.824858e-01 [37,] 0.012975398 2.595080e-02 9.870246e-01 [38,] 0.009121185 1.824237e-02 9.908788e-01 [39,] 0.348500883 6.970018e-01 6.514991e-01 [40,] 0.308133265 6.162665e-01 6.918667e-01 [41,] 0.639209255 7.215815e-01 3.607907e-01 [42,] 0.591185550 8.176289e-01 4.088145e-01 [43,] 0.542126728 9.157465e-01 4.578733e-01 [44,] 0.510462582 9.790748e-01 4.895374e-01 [45,] 0.706926485 5.861470e-01 2.930735e-01 [46,] 0.673197979 6.536040e-01 3.268020e-01 [47,] 0.638752366 7.224953e-01 3.612476e-01 [48,] 0.596123335 8.077533e-01 4.038767e-01 [49,] 0.557182252 8.856355e-01 4.428177e-01 [50,] 0.516295803 9.674084e-01 4.837042e-01 [51,] 0.470033087 9.400662e-01 5.299669e-01 [52,] 0.435461631 8.709233e-01 5.645384e-01 [53,] 0.417063906 8.341278e-01 5.829361e-01 [54,] 0.374313378 7.486268e-01 6.256866e-01 [55,] 0.331889115 6.637782e-01 6.681109e-01 [56,] 0.290294798 5.805896e-01 7.097052e-01 [57,] 0.280346918 5.606938e-01 7.196531e-01 [58,] 0.245028408 4.900568e-01 7.549716e-01 [59,] 0.215765607 4.315312e-01 7.842344e-01 [60,] 0.199689597 3.993792e-01 8.003104e-01 [61,] 0.179520903 3.590418e-01 8.204791e-01 [62,] 0.155537427 3.110749e-01 8.444626e-01 [63,] 0.133824352 2.676487e-01 8.661756e-01 [64,] 0.116573747 2.331475e-01 8.834263e-01 [65,] 0.096315803 1.926316e-01 9.036842e-01 [66,] 0.079999267 1.599985e-01 9.200007e-01 [67,] 0.064870922 1.297418e-01 9.351291e-01 [68,] 0.053403752 1.068075e-01 9.465962e-01 [69,] 0.043329637 8.665927e-02 9.566704e-01 [70,] 0.034297017 6.859403e-02 9.657030e-01 [71,] 0.027655705 5.531141e-02 9.723443e-01 [72,] 0.021369067 4.273813e-02 9.786309e-01 [73,] 0.016682990 3.336598e-02 9.833170e-01 [74,] 0.012614398 2.522880e-02 9.873856e-01 [75,] 0.010013464 2.002693e-02 9.899865e-01 [76,] 0.007761868 1.552374e-02 9.922381e-01 [77,] 0.005699706 1.139941e-02 9.943003e-01 [78,] 1.000000000 1.755592e-11 8.777960e-12 [79,] 1.000000000 3.364631e-11 1.682315e-11 [80,] 1.000000000 7.402256e-11 3.701128e-11 [81,] 1.000000000 1.606824e-10 8.034121e-11 [82,] 1.000000000 3.030754e-10 1.515377e-10 [83,] 1.000000000 2.617266e-15 1.308633e-15 [84,] 1.000000000 6.742040e-15 3.371020e-15 [85,] 1.000000000 1.613077e-14 8.065386e-15 [86,] 1.000000000 4.042482e-14 2.021241e-14 [87,] 1.000000000 1.016596e-13 5.082979e-14 [88,] 1.000000000 2.121336e-13 1.060668e-13 [89,] 1.000000000 4.301435e-13 2.150718e-13 [90,] 1.000000000 9.514166e-13 4.757083e-13 [91,] 1.000000000 4.587138e-14 2.293569e-14 [92,] 1.000000000 9.855586e-14 4.927793e-14 [93,] 1.000000000 2.318357e-13 1.159178e-13 [94,] 1.000000000 5.914445e-13 2.957222e-13 [95,] 1.000000000 1.490297e-12 7.451486e-13 [96,] 1.000000000 3.844525e-12 1.922263e-12 [97,] 1.000000000 9.006330e-12 4.503165e-12 [98,] 1.000000000 2.258882e-11 1.129441e-11 [99,] 1.000000000 4.783211e-11 2.391605e-11 [100,] 1.000000000 1.130844e-10 5.654220e-11 [101,] 1.000000000 2.665462e-10 1.332731e-10 [102,] 1.000000000 5.342540e-10 2.671270e-10 [103,] 1.000000000 4.693197e-10 2.346599e-10 [104,] 1.000000000 2.732133e-10 1.366067e-10 [105,] 1.000000000 5.413609e-10 2.706804e-10 [106,] 1.000000000 8.653467e-10 4.326734e-10 [107,] 0.999999999 1.448678e-09 7.243390e-10 [108,] 0.999999998 3.326194e-09 1.663097e-09 [109,] 1.000000000 4.078528e-11 2.039264e-11 [110,] 1.000000000 1.091937e-10 5.459684e-11 [111,] 1.000000000 2.551300e-10 1.275650e-10 [112,] 1.000000000 5.024768e-10 2.512384e-10 [113,] 1.000000000 4.471768e-10 2.235884e-10 [114,] 1.000000000 2.360627e-10 1.180313e-10 [115,] 1.000000000 6.212677e-10 3.106338e-10 [116,] 0.999999999 1.307659e-09 6.538294e-10 [117,] 0.999999999 2.501529e-09 1.250765e-09 [118,] 0.999999999 1.707671e-09 8.538357e-10 [119,] 0.999999999 2.341259e-09 1.170630e-09 [120,] 0.999999997 6.360220e-09 3.180110e-09 [121,] 0.999999993 1.371163e-08 6.855813e-09 [122,] 0.999999983 3.363403e-08 1.681702e-08 [123,] 0.999999972 5.565384e-08 2.782692e-08 [124,] 0.999999966 6.821745e-08 3.410872e-08 [125,] 0.999999928 1.441286e-07 7.206431e-08 [126,] 0.999999822 3.554735e-07 1.777368e-07 [127,] 0.999999616 7.676974e-07 3.838487e-07 [128,] 0.999999272 1.456469e-06 7.282347e-07 [129,] 0.999998395 3.209265e-06 1.604633e-06 [130,] 0.999997496 5.008450e-06 2.504225e-06 [131,] 0.999996050 7.900202e-06 3.950101e-06 [132,] 0.999995768 8.464433e-06 4.232216e-06 [133,] 0.999991137 1.772693e-05 8.863466e-06 [134,] 0.999986740 2.652050e-05 1.326025e-05 [135,] 0.999979308 4.138484e-05 2.069242e-05 [136,] 0.999948451 1.030984e-04 5.154920e-05 [137,] 0.999886502 2.269950e-04 1.134975e-04 [138,] 0.999742491 5.150183e-04 2.575092e-04 [139,] 0.999510461 9.790775e-04 4.895387e-04 [140,] 0.998898316 2.203368e-03 1.101684e-03 [141,] 0.997536290 4.927420e-03 2.463710e-03 [142,] 0.996994511 6.010978e-03 3.005489e-03 [143,] 0.994071876 1.185625e-02 5.928124e-03 [144,] 0.988229723 2.354055e-02 1.177028e-02 [145,] 0.976924883 4.615023e-02 2.307512e-02 [146,] 0.955596690 8.880662e-02 4.440331e-02 [147,] 0.922850896 1.542982e-01 7.714910e-02 [148,] 0.872862600 2.542748e-01 1.271374e-01 [149,] 0.882747259 2.345055e-01 1.172527e-01 [150,] 0.999776459 4.470825e-04 2.235412e-04 [151,] 0.999508183 9.836334e-04 4.918167e-04 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/1tlzq1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > plot(x[,1], type='l', main='Actuals and Interpolation', ylab='value of Actuals and Interpolation (dots)', xlab='time or index') > points(x[,1]-mysum$resid) > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/28wzc1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > plot(mysum$resid, type='b', pch=19, main='Residuals', ylab='value of Residuals', xlab='time or index') > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/3whby1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > hist(mysum$resid, main='Residual Histogram', xlab='values of Residuals') > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/4d1xp1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > densityplot(~mysum$resid,col='black',main='Residual Density Plot', xlab='values of Residuals') > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/5bvvd1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > qqnorm(mysum$resid, main='Residual Normal Q-Q Plot') > qqline(mysum$resid) > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > (myerror <- as.ts(mysum$resid)) Time Series: Start = 1 End = 164 Frequency = 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 -0.354215419 -0.628699289 0.030679354 -0.590054026 3.557680299 -1.217234769 7 8 9 10 11 12 -0.724720341 0.027036171 -0.389791135 -0.161763160 0.074984503 0.493181045 13 14 15 16 17 18 2.607505250 3.503032613 -0.121845778 -0.205564898 -0.582913408 -0.370797777 19 20 21 22 23 24 -0.384066982 -0.417879941 0.649483776 1.249186081 -0.260242299 -1.599132306 25 26 27 28 29 30 -0.384829022 -0.064612377 -0.024015957 -0.367149577 -0.664550416 -0.193594317 31 32 33 34 35 36 -0.463906172 1.864508922 0.014895048 -0.063072678 -0.489578012 0.187293684 37 38 39 40 41 42 -0.347030234 -0.427810096 0.136147945 -0.685535789 -0.677041875 0.513689322 43 44 45 46 47 48 0.549357748 -0.114473450 5.455380402 -0.598593450 4.114650528 0.088616050 49 50 51 52 53 54 -0.093182792 0.908191436 -2.949871145 0.042294913 0.547583495 -0.021296686 55 56 57 58 59 60 -0.286488160 -0.482475599 -0.313473200 -0.672629920 1.086652213 -0.240548948 61 62 63 64 65 66 -0.340161032 0.168070158 -1.191046063 -0.367114695 -0.522807240 -0.818385861 67 68 69 70 71 72 -0.684040932 0.612722573 -0.545096810 -0.586590757 -0.247327606 -0.330450285 73 74 75 76 77 78 -0.268900143 -0.526621014 -0.434247773 -0.364264544 -0.547001326 -0.213889248 79 80 81 82 83 84 -0.404756294 -0.257859840 -0.592260370 -0.602408479 -0.229478535 11.931609844 85 86 87 88 89 90 -0.117646962 -0.163128197 -0.160775661 -0.715119454 3.892155198 -0.317598970 91 92 93 94 95 96 0.242868476 -0.311033276 0.084785378 -0.574272837 -0.600523070 -0.419231193 97 98 99 100 101 102 1.854141028 -0.606623093 0.312237865 -0.414404794 -0.188110725 -0.112522863 103 104 105 106 107 108 -0.460690327 -0.005519366 -0.591438875 -0.238242541 -0.231292675 -0.612686582 109 110 111 112 113 114 -1.086205977 -1.240222295 -0.557415099 0.679629489 0.113691476 -0.257205431 115 116 117 118 119 120 1.891494166 0.264728573 -0.675776018 -0.889039684 0.592434501 0.724804825 121 122 123 124 125 126 -0.115768370 0.628765465 -0.433890091 0.934785029 0.191614225 -0.142361378 127 128 129 130 131 132 -0.268411339 0.082094643 -0.560669931 -0.549770842 -0.164835314 -0.192397120 133 134 135 136 137 138 -0.341647949 -0.734540581 -0.125020795 -0.291401951 0.232937209 0.797781609 139 140 141 142 143 144 0.170868381 0.722460558 -1.247621267 -0.661992824 -0.296959588 -0.279169818 145 146 147 148 149 150 -0.235293763 0.454343356 0.236110916 -0.451899128 -0.843449171 -0.874189642 151 152 153 154 155 156 -0.844509574 -0.845950437 -0.843449171 -0.843449171 0.051014262 -1.437456732 157 158 159 160 161 162 -0.843449171 -0.847413151 -0.858606408 0.248767796 -0.892717203 1.136084253 163 164 -0.846705480 1.216081524 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/6vypo1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > dum <- cbind(lag(myerror,k=1),myerror) > dum Time Series: Start = 0 End = 164 Frequency = 1 lag(myerror, k = 1) myerror 0 -0.354215419 NA 1 -0.628699289 -0.354215419 2 0.030679354 -0.628699289 3 -0.590054026 0.030679354 4 3.557680299 -0.590054026 5 -1.217234769 3.557680299 6 -0.724720341 -1.217234769 7 0.027036171 -0.724720341 8 -0.389791135 0.027036171 9 -0.161763160 -0.389791135 10 0.074984503 -0.161763160 11 0.493181045 0.074984503 12 2.607505250 0.493181045 13 3.503032613 2.607505250 14 -0.121845778 3.503032613 15 -0.205564898 -0.121845778 16 -0.582913408 -0.205564898 17 -0.370797777 -0.582913408 18 -0.384066982 -0.370797777 19 -0.417879941 -0.384066982 20 0.649483776 -0.417879941 21 1.249186081 0.649483776 22 -0.260242299 1.249186081 23 -1.599132306 -0.260242299 24 -0.384829022 -1.599132306 25 -0.064612377 -0.384829022 26 -0.024015957 -0.064612377 27 -0.367149577 -0.024015957 28 -0.664550416 -0.367149577 29 -0.193594317 -0.664550416 30 -0.463906172 -0.193594317 31 1.864508922 -0.463906172 32 0.014895048 1.864508922 33 -0.063072678 0.014895048 34 -0.489578012 -0.063072678 35 0.187293684 -0.489578012 36 -0.347030234 0.187293684 37 -0.427810096 -0.347030234 38 0.136147945 -0.427810096 39 -0.685535789 0.136147945 40 -0.677041875 -0.685535789 41 0.513689322 -0.677041875 42 0.549357748 0.513689322 43 -0.114473450 0.549357748 44 5.455380402 -0.114473450 45 -0.598593450 5.455380402 46 4.114650528 -0.598593450 47 0.088616050 4.114650528 48 -0.093182792 0.088616050 49 0.908191436 -0.093182792 50 -2.949871145 0.908191436 51 0.042294913 -2.949871145 52 0.547583495 0.042294913 53 -0.021296686 0.547583495 54 -0.286488160 -0.021296686 55 -0.482475599 -0.286488160 56 -0.313473200 -0.482475599 57 -0.672629920 -0.313473200 58 1.086652213 -0.672629920 59 -0.240548948 1.086652213 60 -0.340161032 -0.240548948 61 0.168070158 -0.340161032 62 -1.191046063 0.168070158 63 -0.367114695 -1.191046063 64 -0.522807240 -0.367114695 65 -0.818385861 -0.522807240 66 -0.684040932 -0.818385861 67 0.612722573 -0.684040932 68 -0.545096810 0.612722573 69 -0.586590757 -0.545096810 70 -0.247327606 -0.586590757 71 -0.330450285 -0.247327606 72 -0.268900143 -0.330450285 73 -0.526621014 -0.268900143 74 -0.434247773 -0.526621014 75 -0.364264544 -0.434247773 76 -0.547001326 -0.364264544 77 -0.213889248 -0.547001326 78 -0.404756294 -0.213889248 79 -0.257859840 -0.404756294 80 -0.592260370 -0.257859840 81 -0.602408479 -0.592260370 82 -0.229478535 -0.602408479 83 11.931609844 -0.229478535 84 -0.117646962 11.931609844 85 -0.163128197 -0.117646962 86 -0.160775661 -0.163128197 87 -0.715119454 -0.160775661 88 3.892155198 -0.715119454 89 -0.317598970 3.892155198 90 0.242868476 -0.317598970 91 -0.311033276 0.242868476 92 0.084785378 -0.311033276 93 -0.574272837 0.084785378 94 -0.600523070 -0.574272837 95 -0.419231193 -0.600523070 96 1.854141028 -0.419231193 97 -0.606623093 1.854141028 98 0.312237865 -0.606623093 99 -0.414404794 0.312237865 100 -0.188110725 -0.414404794 101 -0.112522863 -0.188110725 102 -0.460690327 -0.112522863 103 -0.005519366 -0.460690327 104 -0.591438875 -0.005519366 105 -0.238242541 -0.591438875 106 -0.231292675 -0.238242541 107 -0.612686582 -0.231292675 108 -1.086205977 -0.612686582 109 -1.240222295 -1.086205977 110 -0.557415099 -1.240222295 111 0.679629489 -0.557415099 112 0.113691476 0.679629489 113 -0.257205431 0.113691476 114 1.891494166 -0.257205431 115 0.264728573 1.891494166 116 -0.675776018 0.264728573 117 -0.889039684 -0.675776018 118 0.592434501 -0.889039684 119 0.724804825 0.592434501 120 -0.115768370 0.724804825 121 0.628765465 -0.115768370 122 -0.433890091 0.628765465 123 0.934785029 -0.433890091 124 0.191614225 0.934785029 125 -0.142361378 0.191614225 126 -0.268411339 -0.142361378 127 0.082094643 -0.268411339 128 -0.560669931 0.082094643 129 -0.549770842 -0.560669931 130 -0.164835314 -0.549770842 131 -0.192397120 -0.164835314 132 -0.341647949 -0.192397120 133 -0.734540581 -0.341647949 134 -0.125020795 -0.734540581 135 -0.291401951 -0.125020795 136 0.232937209 -0.291401951 137 0.797781609 0.232937209 138 0.170868381 0.797781609 139 0.722460558 0.170868381 140 -1.247621267 0.722460558 141 -0.661992824 -1.247621267 142 -0.296959588 -0.661992824 143 -0.279169818 -0.296959588 144 -0.235293763 -0.279169818 145 0.454343356 -0.235293763 146 0.236110916 0.454343356 147 -0.451899128 0.236110916 148 -0.843449171 -0.451899128 149 -0.874189642 -0.843449171 150 -0.844509574 -0.874189642 151 -0.845950437 -0.844509574 152 -0.843449171 -0.845950437 153 -0.843449171 -0.843449171 154 0.051014262 -0.843449171 155 -1.437456732 0.051014262 156 -0.843449171 -1.437456732 157 -0.847413151 -0.843449171 158 -0.858606408 -0.847413151 159 0.248767796 -0.858606408 160 -0.892717203 0.248767796 161 1.136084253 -0.892717203 162 -0.846705480 1.136084253 163 1.216081524 -0.846705480 164 NA 1.216081524 > dum1 <- dum[2:length(myerror),] > dum1 lag(myerror, k = 1) myerror [1,] -0.628699289 -0.354215419 [2,] 0.030679354 -0.628699289 [3,] -0.590054026 0.030679354 [4,] 3.557680299 -0.590054026 [5,] -1.217234769 3.557680299 [6,] -0.724720341 -1.217234769 [7,] 0.027036171 -0.724720341 [8,] -0.389791135 0.027036171 [9,] -0.161763160 -0.389791135 [10,] 0.074984503 -0.161763160 [11,] 0.493181045 0.074984503 [12,] 2.607505250 0.493181045 [13,] 3.503032613 2.607505250 [14,] -0.121845778 3.503032613 [15,] -0.205564898 -0.121845778 [16,] -0.582913408 -0.205564898 [17,] -0.370797777 -0.582913408 [18,] -0.384066982 -0.370797777 [19,] -0.417879941 -0.384066982 [20,] 0.649483776 -0.417879941 [21,] 1.249186081 0.649483776 [22,] -0.260242299 1.249186081 [23,] -1.599132306 -0.260242299 [24,] -0.384829022 -1.599132306 [25,] -0.064612377 -0.384829022 [26,] -0.024015957 -0.064612377 [27,] -0.367149577 -0.024015957 [28,] -0.664550416 -0.367149577 [29,] -0.193594317 -0.664550416 [30,] -0.463906172 -0.193594317 [31,] 1.864508922 -0.463906172 [32,] 0.014895048 1.864508922 [33,] -0.063072678 0.014895048 [34,] -0.489578012 -0.063072678 [35,] 0.187293684 -0.489578012 [36,] -0.347030234 0.187293684 [37,] -0.427810096 -0.347030234 [38,] 0.136147945 -0.427810096 [39,] -0.685535789 0.136147945 [40,] -0.677041875 -0.685535789 [41,] 0.513689322 -0.677041875 [42,] 0.549357748 0.513689322 [43,] -0.114473450 0.549357748 [44,] 5.455380402 -0.114473450 [45,] -0.598593450 5.455380402 [46,] 4.114650528 -0.598593450 [47,] 0.088616050 4.114650528 [48,] -0.093182792 0.088616050 [49,] 0.908191436 -0.093182792 [50,] -2.949871145 0.908191436 [51,] 0.042294913 -2.949871145 [52,] 0.547583495 0.042294913 [53,] -0.021296686 0.547583495 [54,] -0.286488160 -0.021296686 [55,] -0.482475599 -0.286488160 [56,] -0.313473200 -0.482475599 [57,] -0.672629920 -0.313473200 [58,] 1.086652213 -0.672629920 [59,] -0.240548948 1.086652213 [60,] -0.340161032 -0.240548948 [61,] 0.168070158 -0.340161032 [62,] -1.191046063 0.168070158 [63,] -0.367114695 -1.191046063 [64,] -0.522807240 -0.367114695 [65,] -0.818385861 -0.522807240 [66,] -0.684040932 -0.818385861 [67,] 0.612722573 -0.684040932 [68,] -0.545096810 0.612722573 [69,] -0.586590757 -0.545096810 [70,] -0.247327606 -0.586590757 [71,] -0.330450285 -0.247327606 [72,] -0.268900143 -0.330450285 [73,] -0.526621014 -0.268900143 [74,] -0.434247773 -0.526621014 [75,] -0.364264544 -0.434247773 [76,] -0.547001326 -0.364264544 [77,] -0.213889248 -0.547001326 [78,] -0.404756294 -0.213889248 [79,] -0.257859840 -0.404756294 [80,] -0.592260370 -0.257859840 [81,] -0.602408479 -0.592260370 [82,] -0.229478535 -0.602408479 [83,] 11.931609844 -0.229478535 [84,] -0.117646962 11.931609844 [85,] -0.163128197 -0.117646962 [86,] -0.160775661 -0.163128197 [87,] -0.715119454 -0.160775661 [88,] 3.892155198 -0.715119454 [89,] -0.317598970 3.892155198 [90,] 0.242868476 -0.317598970 [91,] -0.311033276 0.242868476 [92,] 0.084785378 -0.311033276 [93,] -0.574272837 0.084785378 [94,] -0.600523070 -0.574272837 [95,] -0.419231193 -0.600523070 [96,] 1.854141028 -0.419231193 [97,] -0.606623093 1.854141028 [98,] 0.312237865 -0.606623093 [99,] -0.414404794 0.312237865 [100,] -0.188110725 -0.414404794 [101,] -0.112522863 -0.188110725 [102,] -0.460690327 -0.112522863 [103,] -0.005519366 -0.460690327 [104,] -0.591438875 -0.005519366 [105,] -0.238242541 -0.591438875 [106,] -0.231292675 -0.238242541 [107,] -0.612686582 -0.231292675 [108,] -1.086205977 -0.612686582 [109,] -1.240222295 -1.086205977 [110,] -0.557415099 -1.240222295 [111,] 0.679629489 -0.557415099 [112,] 0.113691476 0.679629489 [113,] -0.257205431 0.113691476 [114,] 1.891494166 -0.257205431 [115,] 0.264728573 1.891494166 [116,] -0.675776018 0.264728573 [117,] -0.889039684 -0.675776018 [118,] 0.592434501 -0.889039684 [119,] 0.724804825 0.592434501 [120,] -0.115768370 0.724804825 [121,] 0.628765465 -0.115768370 [122,] -0.433890091 0.628765465 [123,] 0.934785029 -0.433890091 [124,] 0.191614225 0.934785029 [125,] -0.142361378 0.191614225 [126,] -0.268411339 -0.142361378 [127,] 0.082094643 -0.268411339 [128,] -0.560669931 0.082094643 [129,] -0.549770842 -0.560669931 [130,] -0.164835314 -0.549770842 [131,] -0.192397120 -0.164835314 [132,] -0.341647949 -0.192397120 [133,] -0.734540581 -0.341647949 [134,] -0.125020795 -0.734540581 [135,] -0.291401951 -0.125020795 [136,] 0.232937209 -0.291401951 [137,] 0.797781609 0.232937209 [138,] 0.170868381 0.797781609 [139,] 0.722460558 0.170868381 [140,] -1.247621267 0.722460558 [141,] -0.661992824 -1.247621267 [142,] -0.296959588 -0.661992824 [143,] -0.279169818 -0.296959588 [144,] -0.235293763 -0.279169818 [145,] 0.454343356 -0.235293763 [146,] 0.236110916 0.454343356 [147,] -0.451899128 0.236110916 [148,] -0.843449171 -0.451899128 [149,] -0.874189642 -0.843449171 [150,] -0.844509574 -0.874189642 [151,] -0.845950437 -0.844509574 [152,] -0.843449171 -0.845950437 [153,] -0.843449171 -0.843449171 [154,] 0.051014262 -0.843449171 [155,] -1.437456732 0.051014262 [156,] -0.843449171 -1.437456732 [157,] -0.847413151 -0.843449171 [158,] -0.858606408 -0.847413151 [159,] 0.248767796 -0.858606408 [160,] -0.892717203 0.248767796 [161,] 1.136084253 -0.892717203 [162,] -0.846705480 1.136084253 [163,] 1.216081524 -0.846705480 > z <- as.data.frame(dum1) > z lag(myerror, k = 1) myerror 1 -0.628699289 -0.354215419 2 0.030679354 -0.628699289 3 -0.590054026 0.030679354 4 3.557680299 -0.590054026 5 -1.217234769 3.557680299 6 -0.724720341 -1.217234769 7 0.027036171 -0.724720341 8 -0.389791135 0.027036171 9 -0.161763160 -0.389791135 10 0.074984503 -0.161763160 11 0.493181045 0.074984503 12 2.607505250 0.493181045 13 3.503032613 2.607505250 14 -0.121845778 3.503032613 15 -0.205564898 -0.121845778 16 -0.582913408 -0.205564898 17 -0.370797777 -0.582913408 18 -0.384066982 -0.370797777 19 -0.417879941 -0.384066982 20 0.649483776 -0.417879941 21 1.249186081 0.649483776 22 -0.260242299 1.249186081 23 -1.599132306 -0.260242299 24 -0.384829022 -1.599132306 25 -0.064612377 -0.384829022 26 -0.024015957 -0.064612377 27 -0.367149577 -0.024015957 28 -0.664550416 -0.367149577 29 -0.193594317 -0.664550416 30 -0.463906172 -0.193594317 31 1.864508922 -0.463906172 32 0.014895048 1.864508922 33 -0.063072678 0.014895048 34 -0.489578012 -0.063072678 35 0.187293684 -0.489578012 36 -0.347030234 0.187293684 37 -0.427810096 -0.347030234 38 0.136147945 -0.427810096 39 -0.685535789 0.136147945 40 -0.677041875 -0.685535789 41 0.513689322 -0.677041875 42 0.549357748 0.513689322 43 -0.114473450 0.549357748 44 5.455380402 -0.114473450 45 -0.598593450 5.455380402 46 4.114650528 -0.598593450 47 0.088616050 4.114650528 48 -0.093182792 0.088616050 49 0.908191436 -0.093182792 50 -2.949871145 0.908191436 51 0.042294913 -2.949871145 52 0.547583495 0.042294913 53 -0.021296686 0.547583495 54 -0.286488160 -0.021296686 55 -0.482475599 -0.286488160 56 -0.313473200 -0.482475599 57 -0.672629920 -0.313473200 58 1.086652213 -0.672629920 59 -0.240548948 1.086652213 60 -0.340161032 -0.240548948 61 0.168070158 -0.340161032 62 -1.191046063 0.168070158 63 -0.367114695 -1.191046063 64 -0.522807240 -0.367114695 65 -0.818385861 -0.522807240 66 -0.684040932 -0.818385861 67 0.612722573 -0.684040932 68 -0.545096810 0.612722573 69 -0.586590757 -0.545096810 70 -0.247327606 -0.586590757 71 -0.330450285 -0.247327606 72 -0.268900143 -0.330450285 73 -0.526621014 -0.268900143 74 -0.434247773 -0.526621014 75 -0.364264544 -0.434247773 76 -0.547001326 -0.364264544 77 -0.213889248 -0.547001326 78 -0.404756294 -0.213889248 79 -0.257859840 -0.404756294 80 -0.592260370 -0.257859840 81 -0.602408479 -0.592260370 82 -0.229478535 -0.602408479 83 11.931609844 -0.229478535 84 -0.117646962 11.931609844 85 -0.163128197 -0.117646962 86 -0.160775661 -0.163128197 87 -0.715119454 -0.160775661 88 3.892155198 -0.715119454 89 -0.317598970 3.892155198 90 0.242868476 -0.317598970 91 -0.311033276 0.242868476 92 0.084785378 -0.311033276 93 -0.574272837 0.084785378 94 -0.600523070 -0.574272837 95 -0.419231193 -0.600523070 96 1.854141028 -0.419231193 97 -0.606623093 1.854141028 98 0.312237865 -0.606623093 99 -0.414404794 0.312237865 100 -0.188110725 -0.414404794 101 -0.112522863 -0.188110725 102 -0.460690327 -0.112522863 103 -0.005519366 -0.460690327 104 -0.591438875 -0.005519366 105 -0.238242541 -0.591438875 106 -0.231292675 -0.238242541 107 -0.612686582 -0.231292675 108 -1.086205977 -0.612686582 109 -1.240222295 -1.086205977 110 -0.557415099 -1.240222295 111 0.679629489 -0.557415099 112 0.113691476 0.679629489 113 -0.257205431 0.113691476 114 1.891494166 -0.257205431 115 0.264728573 1.891494166 116 -0.675776018 0.264728573 117 -0.889039684 -0.675776018 118 0.592434501 -0.889039684 119 0.724804825 0.592434501 120 -0.115768370 0.724804825 121 0.628765465 -0.115768370 122 -0.433890091 0.628765465 123 0.934785029 -0.433890091 124 0.191614225 0.934785029 125 -0.142361378 0.191614225 126 -0.268411339 -0.142361378 127 0.082094643 -0.268411339 128 -0.560669931 0.082094643 129 -0.549770842 -0.560669931 130 -0.164835314 -0.549770842 131 -0.192397120 -0.164835314 132 -0.341647949 -0.192397120 133 -0.734540581 -0.341647949 134 -0.125020795 -0.734540581 135 -0.291401951 -0.125020795 136 0.232937209 -0.291401951 137 0.797781609 0.232937209 138 0.170868381 0.797781609 139 0.722460558 0.170868381 140 -1.247621267 0.722460558 141 -0.661992824 -1.247621267 142 -0.296959588 -0.661992824 143 -0.279169818 -0.296959588 144 -0.235293763 -0.279169818 145 0.454343356 -0.235293763 146 0.236110916 0.454343356 147 -0.451899128 0.236110916 148 -0.843449171 -0.451899128 149 -0.874189642 -0.843449171 150 -0.844509574 -0.874189642 151 -0.845950437 -0.844509574 152 -0.843449171 -0.845950437 153 -0.843449171 -0.843449171 154 0.051014262 -0.843449171 155 -1.437456732 0.051014262 156 -0.843449171 -1.437456732 157 -0.847413151 -0.843449171 158 -0.858606408 -0.847413151 159 0.248767796 -0.858606408 160 -0.892717203 0.248767796 161 1.136084253 -0.892717203 162 -0.846705480 1.136084253 163 1.216081524 -0.846705480 > plot(z,main=paste('Residual Lag plot, lowess, and regression line'), ylab='values of Residuals', xlab='lagged values of Residuals') > lines(lowess(z)) > abline(lm(z)) > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/715pj1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > acf(mysum$resid, lag.max=length(mysum$resid)/2, main='Residual Autocorrelation Function') > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/85m9z1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > pacf(mysum$resid, lag.max=length(mysum$resid)/2, main='Residual Partial Autocorrelation Function') > grid() > dev.off() null device 1 > postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/979qf1321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) > opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(0, 0, 1.1, 0)) > plot(mylm, las = 1, sub='Residual Diagnostics') > par(opar) > dev.off() null device 1 > if (n > n25) { + postscript(file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/105ps11321905834.ps",horizontal=F,onefile=F,pagecentre=F,paper="special",width=8.3333333333333,height=5.5555555555556) + plot(kp3:nmkm3,gqarr[,2], main='Goldfeld-Quandt test',ylab='2-sided p-value',xlab='breakpoint') + grid() + dev.off() + } null device 1 > > #Note: the /var/www/rcomp/createtable file can be downloaded at http://www.wessa.net/cretab > load(file="/var/www/rcomp/createtable") > > a<-table.start() > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Multiple Linear Regression - Estimated Regression Equation', 1, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > myeq <- colnames(x)[1] > myeq <- paste(myeq, '[t] = ', sep='') > for (i in 1:k){ + if (mysum$coefficients[i,1] > 0) myeq <- paste(myeq, '+', '') + myeq <- paste(myeq, mysum$coefficients[i,1], sep=' ') + if (rownames(mysum$coefficients)[i] != '(Intercept)') { + myeq <- paste(myeq, rownames(mysum$coefficients)[i], sep='') + if (rownames(mysum$coefficients)[i] != 't') myeq <- paste(myeq, '[t]', sep='') + } + } > myeq <- paste(myeq, ' + e[t]') > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, myeq) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.end(a) > table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/1173zl1321905834.tab") > a<-table.start() > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a,hyperlink('http://www.xycoon.com/ols1.htm','Multiple Linear Regression - Ordinary Least Squares',''), 6, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a,'Variable',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'Parameter',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'S.D.',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'T-STAT
H0: parameter = 0',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'2-tail p-value',header=TRUE) > a<-table.element(a,'1-tail p-value',header=TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > for (i in 1:k){ + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,rownames(mysum$coefficients)[i],header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,mysum$coefficients[i,1]) + a<-table.element(a, round(mysum$coefficients[i,2],6)) + a<-table.element(a, round(mysum$coefficients[i,3],4)) + a<-table.element(a, round(mysum$coefficients[i,4],6)) + a<-table.element(a, round(mysum$coefficients[i,4]/2,6)) + a<-table.row.end(a) + } > a<-table.end(a) > table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/125xag1321905834.tab") > a<-table.start() > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Multiple Linear Regression - Regression Statistics', 2, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Multiple R',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, sqrt(mysum$r.squared)) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'R-squared',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$r.squared) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Adjusted R-squared',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$adj.r.squared) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'F-TEST (value)',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$fstatistic[1]) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'F-TEST (DF numerator)',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$fstatistic[2]) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'F-TEST (DF denominator)',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$fstatistic[3]) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'p-value',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, 1-pf(mysum$fstatistic[1],mysum$fstatistic[2],mysum$fstatistic[3])) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Multiple Linear Regression - Residual Statistics', 2, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Residual Standard Deviation',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, mysum$sigma) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Sum Squared Residuals',1,TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, sum(myerror*myerror)) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.end(a) > table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/13t6uo1321905834.tab") > a<-table.start() > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Multiple Linear Regression - Actuals, Interpolation, and Residuals', 4, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > a<-table.row.start(a) > a<-table.element(a, 'Time or Index', 1, TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, 'Actuals', 1, TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, 'Interpolation
Forecast', 1, TRUE) > a<-table.element(a, 'Residuals
Prediction Error', 1, TRUE) > a<-table.row.end(a) > for (i in 1:n) { + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,i, 1, TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,x[i]) + a<-table.element(a,x[i]-mysum$resid[i]) + a<-table.element(a,mysum$resid[i]) + a<-table.row.end(a) + } > a<-table.end(a) > table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/144jc51321905834.tab") > if (n > n25) { + a<-table.start() + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'Goldfeld-Quandt test for Heteroskedasticity',4,TRUE) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'p-values',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'Alternative Hypothesis',3,header=TRUE) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'breakpoint index',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'greater',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'2-sided',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'less',header=TRUE) + a<-table.row.end(a) + for (mypoint in kp3:nmkm3) { + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,mypoint,header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,1]) + a<-table.element(a,gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,2]) + a<-table.element(a,gqarr[mypoint-kp3+1,3]) + a<-table.row.end(a) + } + a<-table.end(a) + table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/15p2pu1321905834.tab") + a<-table.start() + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'Meta Analysis of Goldfeld-Quandt test for Heteroskedasticity',4,TRUE) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'Description',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'# significant tests',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'% significant tests',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,'OK/NOK',header=TRUE) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'1% type I error level',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant1) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant1/numgqtests) + if (numsignificant1/numgqtests < 0.01) dum <- 'OK' else dum <- 'NOK' + a<-table.element(a,dum) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'5% type I error level',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant5) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant5/numgqtests) + if (numsignificant5/numgqtests < 0.05) dum <- 'OK' else dum <- 'NOK' + a<-table.element(a,dum) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.row.start(a) + a<-table.element(a,'10% type I error level',header=TRUE) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant10) + a<-table.element(a,numsignificant10/numgqtests) + if (numsignificant10/numgqtests < 0.1) dum <- 'OK' else dum <- 'NOK' + a<-table.element(a,dum) + a<-table.row.end(a) + a<-table.end(a) + table.save(a,file="/var/www/rcomp/tmp/16oztw1321905834.tab") + } > > try(system("convert tmp/1tlzq1321905834.ps tmp/1tlzq1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/28wzc1321905834.ps tmp/28wzc1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/3whby1321905834.ps tmp/3whby1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/4d1xp1321905834.ps tmp/4d1xp1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/5bvvd1321905834.ps tmp/5bvvd1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/6vypo1321905834.ps tmp/6vypo1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/715pj1321905834.ps tmp/715pj1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/85m9z1321905834.ps tmp/85m9z1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/979qf1321905834.ps tmp/979qf1321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > try(system("convert tmp/105ps11321905834.ps tmp/105ps11321905834.png",intern=TRUE)) character(0) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 5.130 0.360 5.476