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R Software Modulerwasp_May_mock5.wasp
Title produced by softwareMC May Mock - Q5
Date of computationSun, 12 Jan 2014 12:58:23 -0500
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:32:02 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:32:02 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywords
Estimated Impact70
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [MC May Mock - Q5] [] [2014-01-12 17:58:23] [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] [Current]
Feedback Forum

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Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time5 seconds
R Server'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input & view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Output & view raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time & 5 seconds \tabularnewline
R Server & 'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @ \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Input[/C][C]view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Output[/C][C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Computing time[/C][C]5 seconds[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]R Server[/C][C]'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time5 seconds
R Server'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @

Your last Question

Your last Question \tabularnewline
Incorrect \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Your last Question[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Your last Question

Based on the evidence below which pair of samples is best represented by a simple linear regression?
X1, Y1
X2, Y2
X3, Y3
X4, Y4
Avoid Guessing Penalty

Based on the evidence below which pair of samples is best represented by a simple linear regression? \tabularnewline
X1, Y1 \tabularnewline
X2, Y2 \tabularnewline
X3, Y3 \tabularnewline
X4, Y4 \tabularnewline
Avoid Guessing Penalty \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Based on the evidence below which pair of samples is best represented by a simple linear regression?[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]X1, Y1[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]X2, Y2[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]X3, Y3[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]X4, Y4[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Avoid Guessing Penalty[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Based on the evidence below which pair of samples is best represented by a simple linear regression?
X1, Y1
X2, Y2
X3, Y3
X4, Y4
Avoid Guessing Penalty

Parameters (Session):
par1 = a-101530532 ; par2 = p13 ; par3 = 889201a3dd5cfc1ceae68e330da06215 ; par4 = 0 ;
Parameters (R input):
par1 = a-101530532 ; par2 = p13 ; par3 = 889201a3dd5cfc1ceae68e330da06215 ; par4 = 0 ;
R code (references can be found in the software module):