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Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software Modulerwasp_pairs.wasp
Title produced by softwareKendall tau Correlation Matrix
Date of computationSat, 12 Dec 2009 07:48:26 -0700
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:50:49 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:50:49 +0000
QR Codes:

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IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
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Estimated Impact166
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-     [Kendall tau Correlation Matrix] [3/11/2009] [2009-11-02 21:25:00] [b98453cac15ba1066b407e146608df68]
- R  D    [Kendall tau Correlation Matrix] [] [2009-12-12 14:48:26] [21edaefb91319406e70b6c03c71b58b3] [Current]
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Dataseries X:
2150		2		595		118.2	
2533		2		591		117	
2058		2		589		115.3	
2160		2		584		116.5	
2260		2		573		123.9	
2498		2		567		121.2	
2695		2		569		123.1	
2799		2		621		124.4	
2947		2		629		113.2	
2930		2		628		119.2	
2318		2		612		116	
2540		2		595		121	
2570		2		597		120.2	
2669		2		593		90.9	
2450		2		590		115.2	
2842		2.21		580		117.9	
3440		2.25		574		113.6	
2678		2.25		573		122.7	
2981		2.45		573		124.3	
2260		2.5		620		110.6	
2844		2.5		626		144.2	
2546		2.64		620		121.5	
2456		2.75		588		114.7	
2295		2.93		566		119.7	
2379		3		557		122.9	
2479		3.17		561		120.3	
2057		3.25		549		128.2	
2280		3.39		532		115.4	
2351		3.5		526		125	
2276		3.5		511		117.7	
2548		3.65		499		119.2	
2311		3.75		555		118.4	
2201		3.75		565		123.6	
2725		3.9		542		125.6	
2408		4		527		123.2	
2139		4		510		119.6	
1898		4		514		116.7	
2537		4		517		119.1	
2069		4		508		121.8	
2063		4		493		122.9	
2526		4		490		119.9	
2440		4		469		117.4	
2191		4		478		111.6	
2797		4		528		137.8	
2074		4		534		129.3	
2628		4		518		117.4	
2287		4.18		506		119.1	
2146		4.25		502		111.8	
2430		4.25		516		110.8	
2141		3.97		528		105.2	
1827		3.42		533		91.8	
2082		2.75		536		92.4	
1788		2.31		537		68.2	
1743		2		524		73.8	
2245		1.66		536		72.5	
1963		1.31		587		78.1	
1828		1.09		597		73.9	
2527		1		581		78.1	
2114		1		564		82.2	
2424		1		558		81.6

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time1 seconds
R Server'Gwilym Jenkins' @
R Framework error message
Warning: there are blank lines in the 'Data X' field.
Please, use NA for missing data - blank lines are simply
 deleted and are NOT treated as missing values.

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input & view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Output & view raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time & 1 seconds \tabularnewline
R Server & 'Gwilym Jenkins' @ \tabularnewline
R Framework error message & 
Warning: there are blank lines in the 'Data X' field.
Please, use NA for missing data - blank lines are simply
 deleted and are NOT treated as missing values.
\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular} %Source:

[ROW][C]Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Input[/C][C]view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Output[/C][C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Computing time[/C][C]1 seconds[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]R Server[/C][C]'Gwilym Jenkins' @[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]R Framework error message[/C][C]
Warning: there are blank lines in the 'Data X' field.
Please, use NA for missing data - blank lines are simply
 deleted and are NOT treated as missing values.
[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time1 seconds
R Server'Gwilym Jenkins' @
R Framework error message
Warning: there are blank lines in the 'Data X' field.
Please, use NA for missing data - blank lines are simply
 deleted and are NOT treated as missing values.

Kendall tau rank correlations for all pairs of data series
tau( Bvrg , R )-0.075485989026360.414732772503341
tau( Bvrg , Ump )0.2497880864252090.00490482080321430
tau( Bvrg , Tpa )0.2727788957261700.00210830020885400
tau( R , Ump )-0.5810749134664883.68705385492606e-10
tau( R , Tpa )0.2297132995910190.0131629589607909
tau( Ump , Tpa )-0.02551744614601560.774046133708051

Kendall tau rank correlations for all pairs of data series \tabularnewline
pair & tau & p-value \tabularnewline
tau( Bvrg , R ) & -0.07548598902636 & 0.414732772503341 \tabularnewline
tau( Bvrg , Ump ) & 0.249788086425209 & 0.00490482080321430 \tabularnewline
tau( Bvrg , Tpa ) & 0.272778895726170 & 0.00210830020885400 \tabularnewline
tau( R , Ump ) & -0.581074913466488 & 3.68705385492606e-10 \tabularnewline
tau( R , Tpa ) & 0.229713299591019 & 0.0131629589607909 \tabularnewline
tau( Ump , Tpa ) & -0.0255174461460156 & 0.774046133708051 \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Kendall tau rank correlations for all pairs of data series[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( Bvrg , R )[/C][C]-0.07548598902636[/C][C]0.414732772503341[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( Bvrg , Ump )[/C][C]0.249788086425209[/C][C]0.00490482080321430[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( Bvrg , Tpa )[/C][C]0.272778895726170[/C][C]0.00210830020885400[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( R , Ump )[/C][C]-0.581074913466488[/C][C]3.68705385492606e-10[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( R , Tpa )[/C][C]0.229713299591019[/C][C]0.0131629589607909[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]tau( Ump , Tpa )[/C][C]-0.0255174461460156[/C][C]0.774046133708051[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Kendall tau rank correlations for all pairs of data series
tau( Bvrg , R )-0.075485989026360.414732772503341
tau( Bvrg , Ump )0.2497880864252090.00490482080321430
tau( Bvrg , Tpa )0.2727788957261700.00210830020885400
tau( R , Ump )-0.5810749134664883.68705385492606e-10
tau( R , Tpa )0.2297132995910190.0131629589607909
tau( Ump , Tpa )-0.02551744614601560.774046133708051

Parameters (Session):
Parameters (R input):
R code (references can be found in the software module):
panel.tau <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix='', cex.cor)
usr <- par('usr'); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
rr <- cor.test(x, y, method='kendall')
r <- round(rr$p.value,2)
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep='')
if(missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.5/strwidth(txt)
text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex)
panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
usr <- par('usr'); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col='grey', ...)
pairs(t(y),diag.panel=panel.hist, upper.panel=panel.smooth, lower.panel=panel.tau, main=main)
a<-table.element(a,'Kendall tau rank correlations for all pairs of data series',3,TRUE)
n <- length(y[,1])
for (i in 1:(n-1))
for (j in (i+1):n)
dum <- paste('tau(',dimnames(t(x))[[2]][i])
dum <- paste(dum,',')
dum <- paste(dum,dimnames(t(x))[[2]][j])
dum <- paste(dum,')')
r <- cor.test(y[i,],y[j,],method='kendall')