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Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software Modulerwasp_skewness_kurtosis.wasp
Title produced by softwareSkewness and Kurtosis Test
Date of computationMon, 19 Dec 2016 15:01:00 +0100
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 11 Mar 2025 07:40:45 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 11 Mar 2025 07:40:45 +0000
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-       [Skewness and Kurtosis Test] [] [2016-12-19 14:01:00] [6deb082de88ded72ec069288c69f9f98] [Current]
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Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time0 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time0 seconds \tabularnewline
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center \tabularnewline

Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Input[/C] view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Output[/C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Computing time[/C]0 seconds[/C][/ROW] [ROW]R Server[/C]Big Analytics Cloud Computing Center[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time0 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Skewness and Kurtosis Test
> agostino
	D'Agostino skewness test
data:  x
skew = -1.1495, z = -5.1300, p-value = 2.897e-07
alternative hypothesis: data have a skewness
> anscombe
	Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test
data:  x
kurt = 6.0736, z = 4.1019, p-value = 4.097e-05
alternative hypothesis: kurtosis is not equal to 3
> jarque
	Jarque-Bera Normality Test
data:  x
JB = 98.827, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: greater
> geary
[1] 0.7745185

Skewness and Kurtosis Test \tabularnewline
> agostino
	D'Agostino skewness test
data:  x
skew = -1.1495, z = -5.1300, p-value = 2.897e-07
alternative hypothesis: data have a skewness
> anscombe
	Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test
data:  x
kurt = 6.0736, z = 4.1019, p-value = 4.097e-05
alternative hypothesis: kurtosis is not equal to 3
> jarque
	Jarque-Bera Normality Test
data:  x
JB = 98.827, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: greater
> geary
[1] 0.7745185
\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular} %Source:

[ROW][C]Skewness and Kurtosis Test[/C][/ROW]
> agostino
	D'Agostino skewness test
data:  x
skew = -1.1495, z = -5.1300, p-value = 2.897e-07
alternative hypothesis: data have a skewness
[/C][/ROW] [ROW][C]
> anscombe
	Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test
data:  x
kurt = 6.0736, z = 4.1019, p-value = 4.097e-05
alternative hypothesis: kurtosis is not equal to 3
[/C][/ROW] [ROW][C]
> jarque
	Jarque-Bera Normality Test
data:  x
JB = 98.827, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: greater
[/C][/ROW] [ROW][C]
> geary
[1] 0.7745185
[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Skewness and Kurtosis Test
> agostino
	D'Agostino skewness test
data:  x
skew = -1.1495, z = -5.1300, p-value = 2.897e-07
alternative hypothesis: data have a skewness
> anscombe
	Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test
data:  x
kurt = 6.0736, z = 4.1019, p-value = 4.097e-05
alternative hypothesis: kurtosis is not equal to 3
> jarque
	Jarque-Bera Normality Test
data:  x
JB = 98.827, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: greater
> geary
[1] 0.7745185

Parameters (Session):
Parameters (R input):
R code (references can be found in the software module):
agostino <- agostino.test(x)
anscombe <- anscombe.test(x)
geary <- geary(x)
jarque <- jarque.test(x)
a<-table.element(a,'Skewness and Kurtosis Test',1,TRUE)