Multiple Linear Regression - Estimated Regression Equation
barrels_purchased[t] = + 461011 -8115.59cpi[t] + 7537.62M1[t] -16386.8M2[t] + 2249.84M3[t] + 9045.05M4[t] + 15645.9M5[t] + 18499.3M6[t] + 20494.1M7[t] + 25074.1M8[t] + 13383.9M9[t] + 16831.8M10[t] + 5014.51M11[t] + 3647.52t + e[t]

Multiple Linear Regression - Ordinary Least Squares
H0: parameter = 0
2-tail p-value1-tail p-value
(Intercept)+4.61e+05 1.726e+04+2.6700e+01 2.007e-91 1.004e-91
cpi-8116 368.5-2.2020e+01 2.671e-71 1.336e-71
M1+7538 6298+1.1970e+00 0.2321 0.116
M2-1.639e+04 6298-2.6020e+00 0.009614 0.004807
M3+2250 6300+3.5710e-01 0.7212 0.3606
M4+9045 6301+1.4350e+00 0.1519 0.07596
M5+1.565e+04 6301+2.4830e+00 0.01343 0.006716
M6+1.85e+04 6302+2.9360e+00 0.003518 0.001759
M7+2.049e+04 6300+3.2530e+00 0.001238 0.0006192
M8+2.507e+04 6300+3.9800e+00 8.174e-05 4.087e-05
M9+1.338e+04 6302+2.1240e+00 0.0343 0.01715
M10+1.683e+04 6301+2.6710e+00 0.007862 0.003931
M11+5014 6298+7.9610e-01 0.4264 0.2132
t+3648 143.9+2.5340e+01 1.195e-85 5.975e-86

Multiple Linear Regression - Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9312
R-squared 0.8672
Adjusted R-squared 0.8629
F-TEST (value) 203.9
F-TEST (DF numerator)13
F-TEST (DF denominator)406
p-value 0
Multiple Linear Regression - Residual Statistics
Residual Standard Deviation 2.634e+04
Sum Squared Residuals 2.817e+11

Menu of Residual Diagnostics
Central TendencyCompute
QQ PlotCompute
Kernel Density PlotCompute
Skewness/Kurtosis TestCompute
Skewness-Kurtosis PlotCompute
Harrell-Davis PlotCompute
Bootstrap Plot -- Central TendencyCompute
Blocked Bootstrap Plot -- Central TendencyCompute
(Partial) Autocorrelation PlotCompute
Spectral AnalysisCompute
Tukey lambda PPCC PlotCompute
Box-Cox Normality PlotCompute
Summary StatisticsCompute

Ramsey RESET F-Test for powers (2 and 3) of fitted values
> reset_test_fitted
	RESET test
data:  mylm
RESET = 14.391, df1 = 2, df2 = 404, p-value = 9.178e-07
Ramsey RESET F-Test for powers (2 and 3) of regressors
> reset_test_regressors
	RESET test
data:  mylm
RESET = 1.091, df1 = 26, df2 = 380, p-value = 0.3482
Ramsey RESET F-Test for powers (2 and 3) of principal components
> reset_test_principal_components
	RESET test
data:  mylm
RESET = 3.1221, df1 = 2, df2 = 404, p-value = 0.04513

Variance Inflation Factors (Multicollinearity)
> vif
       cpi         M1         M2         M3         M4         M5         M6 
184.313785   1.833981   1.834152   1.834923   1.835689   1.835834   1.836092 
        M7         M8         M9        M10        M11          t 
  1.835386   1.835392   1.836357   1.835805   1.834183 184.303778