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R Software Modulerwasp_spearman.wasp
Title produced by softwareSpearman Rank Correlation
Date of computationFri, 21 May 2021 02:17:39 +0200
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Fri, 19 Apr 2024 08:35:02 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Fri, 19 Apr 2024 08:35:02 +0000
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-       [Spearman Rank Correlation] [] [2021-05-21 00:17:39] [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] [Current]
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Dataseries X:
	T2DMM1	T2DMM2	T2DMM3	T2DMM4	T2DMM5	T2DMM6	C1	C2	C3	C4	C5	C6	C7
Acidobacteria	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	8.26E-06	0	0	0
Fusobacteria	1.41E-05	0	0	0	0	1.92E-05	0	0	7.85E-06	8.26E-06	0	7.29E-06	0
Spirochaetes	1.41E-05	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Cyanobacteria	0.010414315	0.005589513	0.001975114	0.010967242	0.005187471	0.006478611	8.88E-05	0.000159234	9.41E-05	0.0031472	0.000408523	0.000437194	4.44E-05
TM7	0.014365545	0.018678623	0.008917638	0.012689845	0.013342964	0.017852172	0.001509467	5.31E-05	0.003004676	0.002007269	0.001160578	0.003482975	0.003595419
Actinobacteria	0.006251411	0.004423355	0.003100928	0.003894998	0.010834592	0.012227778	0.00421023	0.002583134	0.002384912	0.004394515	0.003750986	0.002725173	0.002352558
Verrucomicrobia	0.001001919	4.02E-05	1.98E-05	0.001655613	0.006960404	0.000172763	5.18E-05	0.048141825	0.020656165	0.000809516	0.004317348	0.00042262	0
Deferribacteres	0.001975615	0.008846711	0.102557772	0.04014623	0.001864863	0.000863815	0.001191295	0	0.000407946	0.000181728	0.000343531	0.00607699	0.002396946
Tenericutes	0.000804358	0.005046646	0	0.000526351	6.57E-05	5.76E-05	2.96E-05	7.96E-05	0.000164747	0.000289113	0.000324962	0.001639476	0.000739798
Bacteroidetes	0.21815026	0.179930031	0.26539601	0.181897352	0.347652505	0.401078809	0.226523711	0.396307534	0.52770107	0.727730051	0.597818114	0.324863924	0.241529311
Gemmatimonadetes	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	7.29E-06	0
Chloroflexi	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	8.26E-06	0	0	0
Firmicutes	0.633057688	0.588326363	0.467677266	0.622424469	0.546339221	0.484619298	0.539072269	0.541865341	0.406180375	0.232000661	0.331275243	0.565517091	0.619965673
Proteobacteria	0.113950666	0.189118546	0.15035552	0.1257979	0.067752315	0.076629971	0.227322841	0.010810237	0.039398123	0.029415166	0.060600715	0.094819986	0.129375906
Dataseries Y:
	GLU	INS	HOMA-IR	MOHA-IS	TG	TC	HDL	LDL	UREA	UA	Cr	AST	ALT	HOMA_IR	HOMA_IS	liverweight	leftkidneyweight	rightkidneyweight
C1	4.86	15.9	3.4344	0.291171675	0.25	2.47	1.47	0.34	5.74	112	2.1	100.4	20.3	3.4344	0.291171675	1.58	0.189	0.276
C2	6.03	27.43	7.35124	0.136031472	0.3	0	1.61	0.55	6.57	112	9	114.7	29.1	7.35124	0.136031472	1.6592	0.22	0.23
C3	5.98	15.896	4.224803556	0.236697396	0	2.79	0	0.56	6.82	0	3	119.7	22.3	4.224803556	0.236697396	2.37	0.3	0.3
C4	7.47	17.4085	5.779622	0.173021696	0.2	2.77	1.51	0	7.18	61	8	0	35.5	5.779622	0.173021696	2.3513	0.27	0.3
C5	7.57	30.52	10.26828444	0.097387252	0.1	2.45	1.46	0.34	7.12	82	0	92	0	10.26828444	0.097387252	1.7035	0.22	0.25
C6	5.86	10.71675	2.791118	0.35827937	0.09	2.22	1.26	0.36	0	135	8	105.3	32	2.791118	0.35827937	1.5972	0.22	0.23
T2DM1	30.43	28.84	39.00449778	0.03	4.96	2.62	1.81	0.40	8.20	216.9	5	250	190	39.00449778	0.025638069	3.1425	0.3123	0.2812
T2DM2	30.17	19.03	25.51711556	0.04	7.27	3.78	1.20	0.33	8.59	262	6.00	260	160	25.51711556	0.039189382	2.5414	0.2701	0.2591
T2DM3	28.42	18.33	23.15282667	0.04	1.18	2.63	1.61	0.40	11.82	220	7	240	230	23.15282667	0.043191271	2.9745	0.2722	0.1956
T2DM4	21.89	23.24	22.60993778	0.04	1.11	4.03	1.54	0.34	7.35	223.2	7	260	120	22.60993778	0.044228339	2.2639	0.2272	0.2114
T2DM5	31.53	31.19	43.70758667	0.02	1.58	5.07	1.74	0.12	7.57	283.4	8	230	150	43.70758667	0.022879323	2.5974	0.1846	0.205
T2DM6	10.71	43.33	20.62508	0.05	1.37	2.11	2	0.44	6.20	223.3	9	200	170	20.62508	0.04848466	2.4622	0.2425	0.1915

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time1 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time1 seconds \tabularnewline
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center \tabularnewline

Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Input[/C] view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Output[/C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Computing time[/C]1 seconds[/C][/ROW] [ROW]R Server[/C]Big Analytics Cloud Computing Center[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

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The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time1 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Parameters (Session):
Parameters (R input):
R code (references can be found in the software module):
k <- cor.test(x,y,method='spearman')
plot(rank(x),rank(y),main='Scatterplot of Ranks',xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab)
a<-table.element(a,'Spearman Rank Correlation',2,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'2-sided p-value',header=TRUE)