Box-Cox Normality Plot
# observations x3586
maximum correlation0.993131723210846
optimal lambda0.2
transformation formulafor all lambda <> 0 : T(Y) = (Y^lambda - 1) / lambda

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Lambda
> summary(mypT)
bcPower Transformation to Normality 
  Est Power Rounded Pwr Wald Lwr Bnd Wald Upr Bnd
x    0.1772        0.18       0.1592       0.1951
Likelihood ratio test that transformation parameter is equal to 0
 (log transformation)
                           LRT df       pval
LR test, lambda = (0) 399.6451  1 < 2.22e-16
Likelihood ratio test that no transformation is needed
                           LRT df       pval
LR test, lambda = (1) 5654.984  1 < 2.22e-16