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R Software ModuleRscript (source code is shown below)
Title produced by softwareR console
Date of computationSun, 31 Aug 2008 10:37:02 -0600
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:09:55 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:09:55 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:no comments
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywordskey1,key2
Estimated Impact273
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [R console] [my R test (plot 8...] [2008-08-31 16:37:02] [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] [Current]
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Dataseries X:
1.41892750226651	1.54543899298254
0.591624558991754	-1.74576422473763
0.229262257412654	-1.18834585046649
-2.40608162453887	1.62183867079856
-0.898719642319671	-0.59449330616851
0.902594572500901	-1.10005879321768
0.904571079229874	0.181860311443919
0.145658948951022	-0.552528180976819
-1.30713752759707	-1.15442126459426
-0.297078359209658	1.64015480032560
-1.10149294212978	1.08762157232616
0.843034571091406	1.23401928759431
0.253790772373287	0.936141133623252
1.30958442895381	-0.492192206234964
1.13845077307884	0.00274856143693057
-0.830056285519378	-1.32422846413979
0.649348259684217	-0.277313977290764
-0.75361294861034	-0.181746997517083
-1.11038188735262	0.380892153944836
0.863468552933662	-0.839829950982667
-0.0364219076209935	1.06238849744143
0.0651748507087307	-1.58796242789370
-0.629473540679446	0.280847384011108
1.13891833350592	0.402823405703386
0.535077552237269	-0.379230528056363
-0.0337572775633225	-0.157395527692957
0.274592348459720	-1.98090598404544
1.25705070426557	-0.00695471109278643
0.313393498984273	-1.0528659254986
-0.668398239839138	-0.88973314527057
-0.981091500531926	0.125061367131308
-0.159440301742771	-0.744212634164514
0.270920919007712	-0.794645048325264
-0.0433623339222747	-0.644489012325216
-1.53109529827836	-1.49752665045227
0.307529336926964	1.23529399093031
-0.626537654854447	1.20643050180716
-0.0704048336189183	-0.377411216501518
0.8066180738924	-1.63373574784827
-1.29160968142465	-0.633194762857642
-1.20635627806320	-0.399554488609473
-1.88336045827445	1.90001333734246
-1.08880428892806	-0.816769722259723
0.442165938405878	1.51802443338371
-0.304102327616476	0.50768499386623
-1.17325163543747	0.295223545985601
2.36243036169810	-0.46913596631342
0.389775627629069	-0.123957264563073
-0.200625076881924	-1.55210636856672
-1.06787822122857	0.537321686442488
> first_number = 5

> second_number = 7

> strpar = 'hello'

> {
+     myfun <- function(x, y) {
+             x + y
+         }
+     print(myfun(first_number, second_number))
+     print(strpar)
+     print .... [TRUNCATED] 
[1] 12
[1] 'hello'
             [,1]         [,2]
 [1,]  1.41892750  1.545438993
 [2,]  0.59162456 -1.745764225
 [3,]  0.22926226 -1.188345850
 [4,] -2.40608162  1.621838671
 [5,] -0.89871964 -0.594493306
 [6,]  0.90259457 -1.100058793
 [7,]  0.90457108  0.181860311
 [8,]  0.14565895 -0.552528181
 [9,] -1.30713753 -1.154421265
[10,] -0.29707836  1.640154800
[11,] -1.10149294  1.087621572
[12,]  0.84303457  1.234019288
[13,]  0.25379077  0.936141134
[14,]  1.30958443 -0.492192206
[15,]  1.13845077  0.002748561
[16,] -0.83005629 -1.324228464
[17,]  0.64934826 -0.277313977
[18,] -0.75361295 -0.181746998
[19,] -1.11038189  0.380892154
[20,]  0.86346855 -0.839829951
[21,] -0.03642191  1.062388497
[22,]  0.06517485 -1.587962428
[23,] -0.62947354  0.280847384
[24,]  1.13891833  0.402823406
[25,]  0.53507755 -0.379230528
[26,] -0.03375728 -0.157395528
[27,]  0.27459235 -1.980905984
[28,]  1.25705070 -0.006954711
[29,]  0.31339350 -1.052865925
[30,] -0.66839824 -0.889733145
[31,] -0.98109150  0.125061367
[32,] -0.15944030 -0.744212634
[33,]  0.27092092 -0.794645048
[34,] -0.04336233 -0.644489012
[35,] -1.53109530 -1.497526650
[36,]  0.30752934  1.235293991
[37,] -0.62653765  1.206430502
[38,] -0.07040483 -0.377411217
[39,]  0.80661807 -1.633735748
[40,] -1.29160968 -0.633194763
[41,] -1.20635628 -0.399554489
[42,] -1.88336046  1.900013337
[43,] -1.08880429 -0.816769722
[44,]  0.44216594  1.518024433
[45,] -0.30410233  0.507684994
[46,] -1.17325164  0.295223546
[47,]  2.36243036 -0.469135966
[48,]  0.38977563 -0.123957265
[49,] -0.20062508 -1.552106369
[50,] -1.06787822  0.537321686
Parameters (Session):
par1 = 5 ; par2 = 7 ; par3 = hello ;
Parameters (R input):
R code (body of R function):
myfun <- function(x, y) {
x + y
print(myfun(par1, par2))
hist(x, main = "my histogram")