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Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software ModuleRscript (source code is shown below)
Title produced by softwareR console
Date of computationSun, 31 Aug 2008 10:38:28 -0600
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:58:02 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:58:02 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:no comments
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywordskey1,key2
Estimated Impact295
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [R console] [my R test (plot 9...] [2008-08-31 16:38:28] [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] [Current]
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Dataseries X:
1.55869226213648	0.134382926465733
-0.584209204232725	0.815875458604857
-2.28792325463517	0.626715166562762
-1.23113944858728	-0.099749775569483
1.60961435525828	-1.25605215977127
-0.119874656752865	0.511233328342007
-1.12834063700115	-0.220921865793148
0.583724027206254	-0.884670569931156
1.73695930016974	-0.61888892192502
0.586699072198714	-0.952342075355952
0.475732293906341	0.0909505879727391
-0.670009961987214	0.89344511050484
2.05292234196236	0.74749546355413
0.346841776336768	2.04739441574758
-0.914111023084948	-0.275940597276025
-0.359584852024464	-0.932059392425947
0.130078916625241	-0.272591854069181
1.61435325684598	-0.113875659874562
0.625841453900981	-0.701689193909712
0.452240934911276	0.700363037802257
1.71325062387524	0.554835968859053
1.341291174324	0.437427816608672
-0.637000139024174	-1.48905812953979
0.162395518189918	-1.2517076247774
0.920691952976967	-0.373204370664022
-0.399394638578958	0.534974001013929
0.0465811482842244	2.55616374605765
0.269252464210224	-1.62629164220362
0.339776945563065	-2.0246876890865
-0.0101194017044254	-2.56972987999311
1.36750709802452	-1.62546983322327
0.320764437104125	-0.890791888953691
-0.63995699830333	-0.0078465492084807
0.397091947493263	0.461267660949302
0.182603119599969	-0.674537842739437
-1.07240773245511	0.17141550280069
0.275831489797754	-0.46309149982764
-0.0313300818739533	0.700416613935161
0.349101677131186	-0.509216153250938
-0.594415167447343	0.134983001646894
-0.114105089040443	-0.512993150897137
1.98918409421242	-1.55079283418443
-1.66850369802297	-0.772105556114795
-0.989995816491986	-0.401516070714006
0.883917509539948	-0.278153409469983
0.513609102994479	-0.529341406956367
0.796060576742042	-0.44694112394485
-1.42282795695117	1.43515680791710
-0.498100121443769	0.430240051393038
1.09107026448000	-0.510214067524109
> first_number = 5

> second_number = 7

> strpar = 'hello'

> {
+     myfun <- function(x, y) {
+             x + y
+         }
+     print(myfun(first_number, second_number))
+     print(strpar)
+     print .... [TRUNCATED] 
[1] 12
[1] 'hello'
             [,1]         [,2]
 [1,]  1.55869226  0.134382926
 [2,] -0.58420920  0.815875459
 [3,] -2.28792325  0.626715167
 [4,] -1.23113945 -0.099749776
 [5,]  1.60961436 -1.256052160
 [6,] -0.11987466  0.511233328
 [7,] -1.12834064 -0.220921866
 [8,]  0.58372403 -0.884670570
 [9,]  1.73695930 -0.618888922
[10,]  0.58669907 -0.952342075
[11,]  0.47573229  0.090950588
[12,] -0.67000996  0.893445111
[13,]  2.05292234  0.747495464
[14,]  0.34684178  2.047394416
[15,] -0.91411102 -0.275940597
[16,] -0.35958485 -0.932059392
[17,]  0.13007892 -0.272591854
[18,]  1.61435326 -0.113875660
[19,]  0.62584145 -0.701689194
[20,]  0.45224093  0.700363038
[21,]  1.71325062  0.554835969
[22,]  1.34129117  0.437427817
[23,] -0.63700014 -1.489058130
[24,]  0.16239552 -1.251707625
[25,]  0.92069195 -0.373204371
[26,] -0.39939464  0.534974001
[27,]  0.04658115  2.556163746
[28,]  0.26925246 -1.626291642
[29,]  0.33977695 -2.024687689
[30,] -0.01011940 -2.569729880
[31,]  1.36750710 -1.625469833
[32,]  0.32076444 -0.890791889
[33,] -0.63995700 -0.007846549
[34,]  0.39709195  0.461267661
[35,]  0.18260312 -0.674537843
[36,] -1.07240773  0.171415503
[37,]  0.27583149 -0.463091500
[38,] -0.03133008  0.700416614
[39,]  0.34910168 -0.509216153
[40,] -0.59441517  0.134983002
[41,] -0.11410509 -0.512993151
[42,]  1.98918409 -1.550792834
[43,] -1.66850370 -0.772105556
[44,] -0.98999582 -0.401516071
[45,]  0.88391751 -0.278153409
[46,]  0.51360910 -0.529341407
[47,]  0.79606058 -0.446941124
[48,] -1.42282796  1.435156808
[49,] -0.49810012  0.430240051
[50,]  1.09107026 -0.510214068
Parameters (Session):
par1 = 5 ; par2 = 7 ; par3 = hello ;
Parameters (R input):
R code (body of R function):
myfun <- function(x, y) {
x + y
print(myfun(par1, par2))
pairs(x, main = "pairs plot")