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my R test (plot 10 - three different plots with parameters and single quote...

Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software ModuleRscript (source code is shown below)
Title produced by softwareR console
Date of computationSun, 31 Aug 2008 12:09:12 -0600
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:09:55 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:09:55 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:no comments
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywordskey1,key2
Estimated Impact299
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [R console] [my R test (plot 1...] [2008-08-31 18:09:12] [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] [Current]
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Dataseries X:
-0.30850063002946	0.235690519607183
1.02998633759889	1.36998791665622
0.307616211471887	-0.69191159630566
0.597880685842531	0.467786399905715
0.636642187716227	0.143180854108975
-0.949538895160241	0.287827771665905
-0.545462225836775	0.00061919739534872
0.212406106622606	0.618325956495591
1.07234957475204	0.0690185414160711
-1.33485033920062	-0.0432027868514195
0.405262691603608	-0.22704238896552
0.367679455464446	-0.731538683346782
-0.95700912707537	0.335014397169873
1.12226764813434	0.528273859788456
0.60269500711016	-0.715850160679145
-0.302778118640591	0.814957736122538
-1.08697021876775	0.495462392751932
-0.0226440092090542	-0.406574999456074
-0.118014552012578	-0.804246672991666
1.87577074174305	1.90922888861931
0.459149726405488	0.276076053329195
-0.133595194678429	-0.577097535386539
1.11180142747632	-1.31253924126054
-0.35774336242126	0.181230267908022
2.88600753038899	1.6246757894181
-0.290200681071401	-0.195438751018916
-0.669008309103209	-0.82828912563579
-0.247620616027447	-0.111404965351762
-0.224780664706128	-1.32155302689872
-1.89510427697632	0.958920622445493
-0.831533259045418	-0.820383417026583
-0.139396564467797	0.108895931812245
-0.531810678072031	2.42694330094828
-0.297755894090094	-0.4099278066237
1.4609533330827	0.112669490563462
-0.242394184147378	-0.505150155579756
-0.186932987841735	0.422787507653977
-0.0901753370224382	0.0661895138661982
0.0128251277262595	-0.947752099415719
1.67675197715263	-0.357337717895593
0.00507042385000422	-1.05808520472265
1.08203163385156	0.934815938778705
3.49276196922723	1.10641100606363
1.24349989059160	0.198445859558979
0.81987099887284	-0.062005031118909
0.00722088584946117	2.04850980368231
-0.438568685508049	-0.0928159294487011
-0.167264823018045	0.873851932842923
0.67731851931836	0.238054428444875
-0.439494928670261	-0.959141460722206
> first_number = 5

> second_number = 7

> strpar = 'hello'

> {
+     myfun <- function(x, y) {
+             x + y
+         }
+     print(myfun(first_number, second_number))
+     print(strpar)
+     print .... [TRUNCATED] 
[1] 12
[1] 'hello'
              [,1]          [,2]
 [1,] -0.308500630  0.2356905196
 [2,]  1.029986338  1.3699879167
 [3,]  0.307616211 -0.6919115963
 [4,]  0.597880686  0.4677863999
 [5,]  0.636642188  0.1431808541
 [6,] -0.949538895  0.2878277717
 [7,] -0.545462226  0.0006191974
 [8,]  0.212406107  0.6183259565
 [9,]  1.072349575  0.0690185414
[10,] -1.334850339 -0.0432027869
[11,]  0.405262692 -0.2270423890
[12,]  0.367679455 -0.7315386833
[13,] -0.957009127  0.3350143972
[14,]  1.122267648  0.5282738598
[15,]  0.602695007 -0.7158501607
[16,] -0.302778119  0.8149577361
[17,] -1.086970219  0.4954623928
[18,] -0.022644009 -0.4065749995
[19,] -0.118014552 -0.8042466730
[20,]  1.875770742  1.9092288886
[21,]  0.459149726  0.2760760533
[22,] -0.133595195 -0.5770975354
[23,]  1.111801427 -1.3125392413
[24,] -0.357743362  0.1812302679
[25,]  2.886007530  1.6246757894
[26,] -0.290200681 -0.1954387510
[27,] -0.669008309 -0.8282891256
[28,] -0.247620616 -0.1114049654
[29,] -0.224780665 -1.3215530269
[30,] -1.895104277  0.9589206224
[31,] -0.831533259 -0.8203834170
[32,] -0.139396564  0.1088959318
[33,] -0.531810678  2.4269433009
[34,] -0.297755894 -0.4099278066
[35,]  1.460953333  0.1126694906
[36,] -0.242394184 -0.5051501556
[37,] -0.186932988  0.4227875077
[38,] -0.090175337  0.0661895139
[39,]  0.012825128 -0.9477520994
[40,]  1.676751977 -0.3573377179
[41,]  0.005070424 -1.0580852047
[42,]  1.082031634  0.9348159388
[43,]  3.492761969  1.1064110061
[44,]  1.243499891  0.1984458596
[45,]  0.819870999 -0.0620050311
[46,]  0.007220886  2.0485098037
[47,] -0.438568686 -0.0928159294
[48,] -0.167264823  0.8738519328
[49,]  0.677318519  0.2380544284
[50,] -0.439494929 -0.9591414607
Parameters (Session):
par1 = 5 ; par2 = 7 ; par3 = hello ;
Parameters (R input):
R code (body of R function):
myfun <- function(x, y) {
x + y
print(myfun(par1, par2))
plot(x, main = "main title", xlab = "my xlab",
ylab = "my ylab")
hist(x, main = "my histogram")
pairs(x, main = "pairs plot")