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Author's title

Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software Modulerwasp_regression_trees1.wasp
Title produced by softwareRecursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)
Date of computationSun, 05 Dec 2010 20:30:15 +0000
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sat, 21 Sep 2024 01:28:06 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sat, 21 Sep 2024 01:28:06 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
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Estimated Impact288
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2010-12-05 20:30:15] [d76b387543b13b5e3afd8ff9e5fdc89f] [Current]
-   PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2010-12-21 14:49:06] [abe7df3fc544bbb0ed435b4e9982bc91]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-11 15:15:18] [b4c8fd31b0af00c33711722ddf8d2c4c]
- RMP     [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-12 13:38:51] [4c0148be6b1ebc4ef8d5b4e23a77fcfa]
- RMP     [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-12 16:25:23] [63b27a8f1021b1dec8e8fd0dfee8bfd3]
- RMP     [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-12 16:26:20] [63b27a8f1021b1dec8e8fd0dfee8bfd3]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-13 14:06:53] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RMPD    [Central Tendency] [] [2011-12-13 14:30:48] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RMPD    [Kernel Density Estimation] [] [2011-12-13 14:43:33] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RMPD      [Central Tendency] [] [2011-12-13 14:58:14] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
-    D      [Kernel Density Estimation] [] [2011-12-13 15:00:16] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RM D      [Histogram] [] [2011-12-13 15:44:18] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RM D      [Harrell-Davis Quantiles] [] [2011-12-13 15:50:11] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- RM D      [Harrell-Davis Quantiles] [] [2011-12-13 16:08:07] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-13 16:01:41] [9026c059d17255e641798e6a3c7c272a]
- R PD      [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-20 20:14:31] [9026c059d17255e641798e6a3c7c272a]
- RMPD      [Classical Decomposition] [] [2011-12-20 21:08:17] [9026c059d17255e641798e6a3c7c272a]
- R           [Classical Decomposition] [] [2011-12-20 21:14:09] [9026c059d17255e641798e6a3c7c272a]
- RMPD    [Multiple Regression] [] [2011-12-13 16:39:21] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-13 16:59:02] [c4580079d5d2b3f0ba412f27cdc441be]
-   PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [WS 10 connected r...] [2011-12-13 20:38:30] [620e5553455d245695b6e856984b13e0]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-14 16:09:26] [14511500b645ce5186c706473940fe45]
-   P     [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-14 18:01:50] [4bd7c3004bd4d10db47d5fcd9027d2f2]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-16 20:17:20] [0fa8c500575976cf9d2f7efbe256ddfb]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-19 15:08:46] [653042d9891c2f42361f94744b7b282f]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2011-12-21 21:06:39] [0f1ce50ec9632e206f4325c3ca8926e2]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [WS 9 Recursive pa...] [2012-12-10 14:28:01] [69075022316765aefe76d0d287433423]
- RMP     [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [connected] [2012-12-11 14:25:31] [5971e03025aa6333f85f7b726952428d]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [Cross Validation] [2013-12-06 10:16:08] [0ba55e3ce082ee2313a5fbafd157b436]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [WS 10 RP] [2013-12-06 15:10:20] [c7c8d60562d30c2855353a6e78685480]
- R PD    [Recursive Partitioning (Regression Trees)] [] [2013-12-10 08:28:32] [d1af3aceda32c4de5f8ef20fdfdffdc9]
Feedback Forum

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Dataseries X:
1	1	41	38	13	12	14
1	1	39	32	16	11	18
1	1	30	35	19	15	11
1	0	31	33	15	6	12
1	1	34	37	14	13	16
1	1	35	29	13	10	18
1	1	39	31	19	12	14
1	1	34	36	15	14	14
1	1	36	35	14	12	15
1	1	37	38	15	9	15
1	0	38	31	16	10	17
1	1	36	34	16	12	19
1	0	38	35	16	12	10
1	1	39	38	16	11	16
1	1	33	37	17	15	18
1	0	32	33	15	12	14
1	0	36	32	15	10	14
1	1	38	38	20	12	17
1	0	39	38	18	11	14
1	1	32	32	16	12	16
1	0	32	33	16	11	18
1	1	31	31	16	12	11
1	1	39	38	19	13	14
1	1	37	39	16	11	12
1	0	39	32	17	12	17
1	1	41	32	17	13	9
1	0	36	35	16	10	16
1	1	33	37	15	14	14
1	1	33	33	16	12	15
1	0	34	33	14	10	11
1	1	31	31	15	12	16
1	0	27	32	12	8	13
1	1	37	31	14	10	17
1	1	34	37	16	12	15
1	0	34	30	14	12	14
1	0	32	33	10	7	16
1	0	29	31	10	9	9
1	0	36	33	14	12	15
1	1	29	31	16	10	17
1	0	35	33	16	10	13
1	0	37	32	16	10	15
1	1	34	33	14	12	16
1	0	38	32	20	15	16
1	0	35	33	14	10	12
1	1	38	28	14	10	15
1	1	37	35	11	12	11
1	1	38	39	14	13	15
1	1	33	34	15	11	15
1	1	36	38	16	11	17
1	0	38	32	14	12	13
1	1	32	38	16	14	16
1	0	32	30	14	10	14
1	0	32	33	12	12	11
1	1	34	38	16	13	12
1	0	32	32	9	5	12
1	1	37	35	14	6	15
1	1	39	34	16	12	16
1	1	29	34	16	12	15
1	0	37	36	15	11	12
1	1	35	34	16	10	12
1	0	30	28	12	7	8
1	0	38	34	16	12	13
1	1	34	35	16	14	11
1	1	31	35	14	11	14
1	1	34	31	16	12	15
1	0	35	37	17	13	10
1	1	36	35	18	14	11
1	0	30	27	18	11	12
1	1	39	40	12	12	15
1	0	35	37	16	12	15
1	0	38	36	10	8	14
1	1	31	38	14	11	16
1	1	34	39	18	14	15
1	0	38	41	18	14	15
1	0	34	27	16	12	13
1	1	39	30	17	9	12
1	1	37	37	16	13	17
1	1	34	31	16	11	13
1	0	28	31	13	12	15
1	0	37	27	16	12	13
1	0	33	36	16	12	15
1	1	35	37	16	12	15
1	0	37	33	15	12	16
1	1	32	34	15	11	15
1	1	33	31	16	10	14
1	0	38	39	14	9	15
1	1	33	34	16	12	14
1	1	29	32	16	12	13
1	1	33	33	15	12	7
1	1	31	36	12	9	17
1	1	36	32	17	15	13
1	1	35	41	16	12	15
1	1	32	28	15	12	14
1	1	29	30	13	12	13
1	1	39	36	16	10	16
1	1	37	35	16	13	12
1	1	35	31	16	9	14
1	0	37	34	16	12	17
1	0	32	36	14	10	15
1	1	38	36	16	14	17
1	0	37	35	16	11	12
1	1	36	37	20	15	16
1	0	32	28	15	11	11
1	1	33	39	16	11	15
1	0	40	32	13	12	9
1	1	38	35	17	12	16
1	0	41	39	16	12	15
1	0	36	35	16	11	10
1	1	43	42	12	7	10
1	1	30	34	16	12	15
1	1	31	33	16	14	11
1	1	32	41	17	11	13
1	1	37	34	12	10	18
1	0	37	32	18	13	16
1	1	33	40	14	13	14
1	1	34	40	14	8	14
1	1	33	35	13	11	14
1	1	38	36	16	12	14
1	0	33	37	13	11	12
1	1	31	27	16	13	14
1	1	38	39	13	12	15
1	1	37	38	16	14	15
1	1	36	31	15	13	15
1	1	31	33	16	15	13
1	0	39	32	15	10	17
1	1	44	39	17	11	17
1	1	33	36	15	9	19
1	1	35	33	12	11	15
1	0	32	33	16	10	13
1	0	28	32	10	11	9
1	1	40	37	16	8	15
1	0	27	30	12	11	15
1	0	37	38	14	12	15
1	1	32	29	15	12	16
1	0	28	22	13	9	11
1	0	34	35	15	11	14
1	1	30	35	11	10	11
1	1	35	34	12	8	15
1	0	31	35	11	9	13
1	1	32	34	16	8	15
1	0	30	37	15	9	16
1	1	30	35	17	15	14
1	0	31	23	16	11	15
1	1	40	31	10	8	16
1	1	32	27	18	13	16
1	0	36	36	13	12	11
1	0	32	31	16	12	12
1	0	35	32	13	9	9
1	1	38	39	10	7	16
1	1	42	37	15	13	13
1	0	34	38	16	9	16
1	1	35	39	16	6	12
1	1	38	34	14	8	9
1	1	33	31	10	8	13
1	1	32	37	13	6	14
1	1	33	36	15	9	19
1	1	34	32	16	11	13
1	1	32	38	12	8	12
0	0	27	26	13	10	10
0	0	31	26	12	8	14
0	0	38	33	17	14	16
0	1	34	39	15	10	10
0	0	24	30	10	8	11
0	0	30	33	14	11	14
0	1	26	25	11	12	12
0	1	34	38	13	12	9
0	0	27	37	16	12	9
0	0	37	31	12	5	11
0	1	36	37	16	12	16
0	0	41	35	12	10	9
0	1	29	25	9	7	13
0	1	36	28	12	12	16
0	0	32	35	15	11	13
0	1	37	33	12	8	9
0	0	30	30	12	9	12
0	1	31	31	14	10	16
0	1	38	37	12	9	11
0	1	36	36	16	12	14
0	0	35	30	11	6	13
0	0	31	36	19	15	15
0	0	38	32	15	12	14
0	1	22	28	8	12	16
0	1	32	36	16	12	13
0	0	36	34	17	11	14
0	1	39	31	12	7	15
0	0	28	28	11	7	13
0	0	32	36	11	5	11
0	1	32	36	14	12	11
0	1	38	40	16	12	14
0	1	32	33	12	3	15
0	1	35	37	16	11	11
0	1	32	32	13	10	15
0	0	37	38	15	12	12
0	1	34	31	16	9	14
0	1	33	37	16	12	14
0	0	33	33	14	9	8
0	0	30	30	16	12	9
0	0	24	30	14	10	15
0	0	34	31	11	9	17
0	0	34	32	12	12	13
0	1	33	34	15	8	15
0	1	34	36	15	11	15
0	1	35	37	16	11	14
0	0	35	36	16	12	16
0	0	36	33	11	10	13
0	0	34	33	15	10	16
0	1	34	33	12	12	9
0	0	41	44	12	12	16
0	0	32	39	15	11	11
0	0	30	32	15	8	10
0	1	35	35	16	12	11
0	0	28	25	14	10	15
0	1	33	35	17	11	17
0	1	39	34	14	10	14
0	0	36	35	13	8	8
0	1	36	39	15	12	15
0	0	35	33	13	12	11
0	0	38	36	14	10	16
0	1	33	32	15	12	10
0	0	31	32	12	9	15
0	1	32	36	8	6	16
0	0	31	32	14	10	19
0	0	33	34	14	9	12
0	0	34	33	11	9	8
0	0	34	35	12	9	11
0	1	34	30	13	6	14
0	0	33	38	10	10	9
0	0	32	34	16	6	15
0	1	41	33	18	14	13
0	1	34	32	13	10	16
0	0	36	31	11	10	11
0	0	37	30	4	6	12
0	0	36	27	13	12	13
0	1	29	31	16	12	10
0	0	37	30	10	7	11
0	0	27	32	12	8	12
0	0	35	35	12	11	8
0	0	28	28	10	3	12
0	0	35	33	13	6	12
0	0	29	35	12	8	11
0	0	32	35	14	9	13
0	1	36	32	10	9	14
0	1	19	21	12	8	10
0	1	21	20	12	9	12
0	0	31	34	11	7	15
0	0	33	32	10	7	13
0	1	36	34	12	6	13
0	1	33	32	16	9	13
0	0	37	33	12	10	12
0	0	34	33	14	11	12
0	0	35	37	16	12	9
0	1	31	32	14	8	9
0	1	37	34	13	11	15
0	1	35	30	4	3	10
0	1	27	30	15	11	14
0	0	34	38	11	12	15
0	0	40	36	11	7	7
0	0	29	32	14	9	14
0	0	38	34	15	12	8
0	1	34	33	14	8	10
0	0	21	27	13	11	13
0	0	36	32	11	8	13
0	1	38	34	15	10	13
0	0	30	29	11	8	8
0	0	35	35	13	7	12
0	1	30	27	13	8	13
0	1	36	33	16	10	12
0	0	34	38	13	8	10
0	1	35	36	16	12	13
0	0	34	33	16	14	12
0	0	32	39	12	7	9
0	1	33	29	7	6	15
0	0	33	32	16	11	13
0	1	26	34	5	4	13
0	0	35	38	16	9	13
0	0	21	17	4	5	15
0	0	38	35	12	9	15
0	0	35	32	15	11	14
0	1	33	34	14	12	15
0	0	37	36	11	9	11
0	0	38	31	16	12	15
0	1	34	35	15	10	14
0	0	27	29	12	9	13
0	1	16	22	6	6	12
0	0	40	41	16	10	16
0	0	36	36	10	9	16
0	1	42	42	15	13	9
0	1	30	33	14	12	14

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time9 seconds
R Server'Gwilym Jenkins' @

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input & view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Output & view raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time & 9 seconds \tabularnewline
R Server & 'Gwilym Jenkins' @ \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Input[/C][C]view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Output[/C][C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Computing time[/C][C]9 seconds[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]R Server[/C][C]'Gwilym Jenkins' @[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time9 seconds
R Server'Gwilym Jenkins' @

10-Fold Cross Validation
Prediction (training)Prediction (testing)

10-Fold Cross Validation \tabularnewline
 & Prediction (training) & Prediction (testing) \tabularnewline
Actual & C1 & C2 & CV & C1 & C2 & CV \tabularnewline
C1 & 186 & 221 & 0.457 & 16 & 37 & 0.3019 \tabularnewline
C2 & 124 & 2069 & 0.9435 & 16 & 211 & 0.9295 \tabularnewline
Overall & - & - & 0.8673 & - & - & 0.8107 \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]10-Fold Cross Validation[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C][/C][C]Prediction (training)[/C][C]Prediction (testing)[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

10-Fold Cross Validation
Prediction (training)Prediction (testing)

Confusion Matrix (predicted in columns / actuals in rows)

Confusion Matrix (predicted in columns / actuals in rows) \tabularnewline
 & C1 & C2 \tabularnewline
C1 & 20 & 26 \tabularnewline
C2 & 9 & 233 \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Confusion Matrix (predicted in columns / actuals in rows)[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Confusion Matrix (predicted in columns / actuals in rows)

Parameters (Session):
par1 = 3 ; par2 = equal ; par3 = 2 ; par4 = no ;
Parameters (R input):
par1 = 3 ; par2 = equal ; par3 = 2 ; par4 = yes ;
R code (references can be found in the software module):
par1 <- as.numeric(par1)
par3 <- as.numeric(par3)
x <- data.frame(t(y))
x <- x[![,par1]),]
k <- length(x[1,])
n <- length(x[,1])
if (par2 == 'kmeans') {
cl <- kmeans(x[,par1], par3)
clm <- matrix(cbind(cl$centers,1:par3),ncol=2)
clm <- clm[sort.list(clm[,1]),]
for (i in 1:par3) {
cl$cluster[cl$cluster==clm[i,2]] <- paste('C',i,sep='')
cl$cluster <- as.factor(cl$cluster)
x[,par1] <- cl$cluster
if (par2 == 'quantiles') {
x[,par1] <- cut2(x[,par1],g=par3)
if (par2 == 'hclust') {
hc <- hclust(dist(x[,par1])^2, 'cen')
memb <- cutree(hc, k = par3)
dum <- c(mean(x[memb==1,par1]))
for (i in 2:par3) {
dum <- c(dum, mean(x[memb==i,par1]))
hcm <- matrix(cbind(dum,1:par3),ncol=2)
hcm <- hcm[sort.list(hcm[,1]),]
for (i in 1:par3) {
memb[memb==hcm[i,2]] <- paste('C',i,sep='')
memb <- as.factor(memb)
x[,par1] <- memb
if (par2=='equal') {
ed <- cut(as.numeric(x[,par1]),par3,labels=paste('C',1:par3,sep=''))
x[,par1] <- as.factor(ed)
if (par2 == 'none') {
m <- ctree(as.formula(paste(colnames(x)[par1],' ~ .',sep='')),data = x)
if (par2 != 'none') {
m <- ctree(as.formula(paste('as.factor(',colnames(x)[par1],') ~ .',sep='')),data = x)
if (par4=='yes') {
a<-table.element(a,'10-Fold Cross Validation',3+2*par3,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Prediction (training)',par3+1,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Prediction (testing)',par3+1,TRUE)
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,paste('C',jjj,sep=''),1,TRUE)
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,paste('C',jjj,sep=''),1,TRUE)
for (i in 1:10) {
ind <- sample(2, nrow(x), replace=T, prob=c(0.9,0.1))
m.ct <- ctree(as.formula(paste('as.factor(',colnames(x)[par1],') ~ .',sep='')),data =x[ind==1,])
if (i==1) {
m.ct.i.pred <- predict(m.ct, newdata=x[ind==1,])
m.ct.i.actu <- x[ind==1,par1]
m.ct.x.pred <- predict(m.ct, newdata=x[ind==2,])
m.ct.x.actu <- x[ind==2,par1]
} else {
m.ct.i.pred <- c(m.ct.i.pred,predict(m.ct, newdata=x[ind==1,]))
m.ct.i.actu <- c(m.ct.i.actu,x[ind==1,par1])
m.ct.x.pred <- c(m.ct.x.pred,predict(m.ct, newdata=x[ind==2,]))
m.ct.x.actu <- c(m.ct.x.actu,x[ind==2,par1])
print( <- table(m.ct.i.actu,m.ct.i.pred))
numer <- 0
for (i in 1:par3) {
print([i,i] / sum([i,]))
numer <- numer +[i,i]
print(m.ct.i.cp <- numer / sum(
print( <- table(m.ct.x.actu,m.ct.x.pred))
numer <- 0
for (i in 1:par3) {
print([i,i] / sum([i,]))
numer <- numer +[i,i]
print(m.ct.x.cp <- numer / sum(
for (i in 1:par3) {
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,[i,jjj])
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,[i,jjj])
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,'-')
for (jjj in 1:par3) a<-table.element(a,'-')
plot(x[,par1] ~ as.factor(where(m)),main='Response by Terminal Node',xlab='Terminal Node',ylab='Response')
if (par2 == 'none') {
forec <- predict(m)
result <-[,par1],forec,x[,par1]-forec))
colnames(result) <- c('Actuals','Forecasts','Residuals')
if (par2 != 'none') {
myt <- table(as.factor(x[,par1]),predict(m))
if(par2=='none') {
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(density(result$Actuals),main='Kernel Density Plot of Actuals')
plot(density(result$Residuals),main='Kernel Density Plot of Residuals')
plot(result$Forecasts,result$Actuals,main='Actuals versus Predictions',xlab='Predictions',ylab='Actuals')
plot(density(result$Forecasts),main='Kernel Density Plot of Predictions')
if(par2!='none') {
plot(myt,main='Confusion Matrix',xlab='Actual',ylab='Predicted')
if (par2 == 'none') {
detcoef <- cor(result$Forecasts,result$Actuals)
a<-table.element(a,'Goodness of Fit',2,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Actuals, Predictions, and Residuals',4,TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(result$Actuals)) {
if (par2 != 'none') {
a<-table.element(a,'Confusion Matrix (predicted in columns / actuals in rows)',par3+1,TRUE)
for (i in 1:par3) {
for (i in 1:par3) {
for (j in 1:par3) {