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of Irreproducible Research!

Author's title

Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software ModuleRscript (source code is shown below)
Title produced by softwareR console
Date of computationTue, 16 Sep 2008 14:52:19 -0600
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sat, 28 Sep 2024 03:08:10 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sat, 28 Sep 2024 03:08:10 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:no comments
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywordskey1,key2
Estimated Impact260
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [R console] [test] [2008-09-16 20:52:19] [9871d3a2c554b27151cacf1422eec048] [Current]
Feedback Forum

Post a new message
Dataseries X:
-0.0201277149196421	-0.30850063002946
-1.82297324655464	1.02998633759889
-2.33216366308349	0.307616211471887
0.639235325972092	0.597880685842531
1.90452387435692	0.636642187716227
1.16446530905147	-0.949538895160241
-0.00667416379878451	-0.545462225836775
0.42034566059019	0.212406106622606
0.466575340644522	1.07234957475204
1.22366236765938	-1.33485033920062
-0.296430815376859	0.405262691603608
-2.29226735241445	0.367679455464446
-1.74654610154483	-0.95700912707537
0.95821675740362	1.12226764813434
-0.414354847742930	0.60269500711016
0.449759993793403	-0.302778118640591
-1.17462619296977	-1.08697021876775
0.286729067091821	-0.0226440092090542
0.144285603320953	-0.118014552012578
-1.02129989505492	1.87577074174305
0.409520840052678	0.459149726405488
1.08271899846961	-0.133595194678429
-0.786438156555126	1.11180142747632
-1.07140748542034	-0.35774336242126
0.760081280792096	2.88600753038899
-0.083824572435783	-0.290200681071401
-0.0137396248148388	-0.669008309103209
0.414381311400838	-0.247620616027447
-1.23703641992627	-0.224780664706128
-1.31006435948531	-1.89510427697632
0.448306593808746	-0.831533259045418
0.64922250789691	-0.139396564467797
1.63359264060946	-0.531810678072031
-0.696399157352184	-0.297755894090094
0.0652814573278981	1.4609533330827
-0.997956088580195	-0.242394184147378
1.52608072428585	-0.186932987841735
-0.880251631103344	-0.0901753370224382
-0.61506602765635	0.0128251277262595
0.753305000012337	1.67675197715263
-0.611820490910944	0.00507042385000422
-2.78135935438236	1.08203163385156
-1.52000263166185	3.49276196922723
1.24285273197634	1.24349989059160
1.74490127098923	0.81987099887284
-1.64429375180233	0.00722088584946117
-0.0260262455222112	-0.438568685508049
-0.868731165168722	-0.167264823018045
-0.90355926910195	0.67731851931836
-2.14093233613594	-0.439494928670261
> first_number = 5

> second_number = 7

> strpar = 'hello'

> {
+     myfun <- function(x, y) {
+             x + y
+         }
+     print(myfun(first_number, second_number))
+     plot(RCx, main = 'main ti ...' ... [TRUNCATED] 
[1] 12
Parameters (Session):
par1 = 5 ; par2 = 7 ; par3 = hello ;
Parameters (R input):
R code (body of R function):
myfun <- function(x, y) {
x + y
print(myfun(par1, par2))

plot(x, main = "main title", xlab = "my xlab", ylab = "my ylab")

hist(x[, 1], main = "my histogram")

pairs(x, main = "pairs plot")
