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R Software Modulerwasp_im2_dm1.wasp
Title produced by softwareData Mining
Date of computationMon, 30 Apr 2012 03:17:59 -0400
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sun, 28 Apr 2024 20:11:58 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Sun, 28 Apr 2024 20:11:58 +0000
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Estimated Impact151
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [Data Mining] [ws5] [2012-04-30 07:17:59] [20d72825ced8e4e20cafbe8bf70803f4] [Current]
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Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time2 seconds
R Server'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input & view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Output & view raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time & 2 seconds \tabularnewline
R Server & 'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @ \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Input[/C][C]view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Raw Output[/C][C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Computing time[/C][C]2 seconds[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]R Server[/C][C]'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @[/C][/ROW]

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The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time2 seconds
R Server'Herman Ole Andreas Wold' @

Computational Result
> myoutput
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5          A6
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771 0.092910961
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364 0.146216633
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681 0.081137899
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065 0.230400586
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000 0.009814236
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236 1.000000000
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378 0.055631909
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045 0.104916143
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088 0.075613220
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013 0.170358464
             A7          A8           A9         A10
A1   0.16341647  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.14218372
A2   0.15750166  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.13564428
A3  -0.22147254  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.00890087
A4  -0.28264141 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.12230506
A5   0.10914938  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.06146001
A6   0.05563191  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.17035846
A7   1.00000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.12539123
A8   0.21490391  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.37290314
A9   0.13454962 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.08638452
A10  0.12539123  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.00000000
            A11         A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A11  1.00000000 -0.09507846 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.09507846  1.00000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.07694988  0.18221968  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.02705678  0.28055664  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.08087867  0.14149847 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.10929223  0.19316228  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.03884721  0.09591110  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.17407414  0.23682619  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.04920522  0.30646748  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.01723994  0.15265744  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17         A18         A19         A20
A11 -0.03884721 0.174074144 -0.04920522  0.01723994
A12  0.09591110 0.236826194  0.30646748  0.15265744
A13  0.06764074 0.008894149  0.15333970  0.28281833
A14  0.06773091 0.345196719  0.35755496  0.05590824
A15  0.07388225 0.070779627  0.14444364 -0.10136910
A16  0.32735352 0.308486460  0.01165874  0.28885722
A17  1.00000000 0.420310840  0.10777798  0.37546187
A18  0.42031084 1.000000000  0.13629254  0.23938299
A19  0.10777798 0.136292545  1.00000000  0.08614067
A20  0.37546187 0.239382987  0.08614067  1.00000000
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013
A11  0.093647844  0.067175488  0.13056330  0.041429586 -0.132538909
A12  0.305509282  0.026977806  0.14074517 -0.157081540 -0.057727210
A13  0.101722931 -0.047397959 -0.13666658 -0.146664296 -0.019837014
A14  0.231767319 -0.209303622  0.16750287  0.064860553 -0.114328379
A15  0.148038297  0.054213633  0.44529731  0.030194812 -0.068506560
A16  0.123499399 -0.235940629 -0.11473444  0.149276509 -0.141317580
A17  0.073844668 -0.152332801 -0.11766151  0.027036172 -0.071785787
A18  0.060814690 -0.045107400  0.01445133  0.087774963 -0.190132140
A19  0.104565051 -0.031719811 -0.20895564 -0.185123555  0.171947894
A20  0.286441815 -0.224540302 -0.20159899 -0.030995711 -0.206093442
              A6           A7          A8           A9          A10
A1   0.092910961  0.163416471  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.142183719
A2   0.146216633  0.157501662  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.135644276
A3   0.081137899 -0.221472541  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.008900870
A4   0.230400586 -0.282641409 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.122305057
A5   0.009814236  0.109149378  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.061460013
A6   1.000000000  0.055631909  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.170358464
A7   0.055631909  1.000000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.125391234
A8   0.104916143  0.214903906  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.372903136
A9   0.075613220  0.134549622 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.086384521
A10  0.170358464  0.125391234  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.000000000
A11  0.097360524  0.006478282  0.11354022 -0.085094870  0.371188481
A12  0.012109974 -0.099165493  0.21743033  0.087561335 -0.006376658
A13  0.118896996  0.303055514  0.10744457  0.027291632 -0.048520195
A14  0.219935161 -0.121850652  0.11262742  0.131010485  0.131085115
A15  0.086088695 -0.247904509  0.01188740  0.081752385 -0.067448261
A16 -0.145066656 -0.174065696 -0.09684841 -0.060487400  0.077262659
A17 -0.055118537  0.049040223  0.00280880 -0.089467123  0.074631488
A18  0.104350521 -0.033930591  0.11301558  0.264921884  0.294926763
A19  0.110217275  0.120349837  0.10416225  0.300141550  0.003391731
A20 -0.092851838  0.088349376 -0.04416218  0.006660382  0.039724992
             A11          A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A1   0.093647844  0.305509282  0.101722931  0.23176732  0.14803830  0.12349940
A2   0.067175488  0.026977806 -0.047397959 -0.20930362  0.05421363 -0.23594063
A3   0.130563304  0.140745174 -0.136666578  0.16750287  0.44529731 -0.11473444
A4   0.041429586 -0.157081540 -0.146664296  0.06486055  0.03019481  0.14927651
A5  -0.132538909 -0.057727210 -0.019837014 -0.11432838 -0.06850656 -0.14131758
A6   0.097360524  0.012109974  0.118896996  0.21993516  0.08608870 -0.14506666
A7   0.006478282 -0.099165493  0.303055514 -0.12185065 -0.24790451 -0.17406570
A8   0.113540215  0.217430326  0.107444565  0.11262742  0.01188740 -0.09684841
A9  -0.085094870  0.087561335  0.027291632  0.13101048  0.08175238 -0.06048740
A10  0.371188481 -0.006376658 -0.048520195  0.13108511 -0.06744826  0.07726266
A11  1.000000000 -0.095078460 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.095078460  1.000000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.076949880  0.182219685  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.027056779  0.280556638  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.080878671  0.141498472 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.109292231  0.193162284  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.038847209  0.095911098  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.174074144  0.236826194  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.049205220  0.306467480  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.017239941  0.152657438  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17          A18          A19          A20
A1   0.07384467  0.060814690  0.104565051  0.286441815
A2  -0.15233280 -0.045107400 -0.031719811 -0.224540302
A3  -0.11766151  0.014451335 -0.208955641 -0.201598991
A4   0.02703617  0.087774963 -0.185123555 -0.030995711
A5  -0.07178579 -0.190132140  0.171947894 -0.206093442
A6  -0.05511854  0.104350521  0.110217275 -0.092851838
A7   0.04904022 -0.033930591  0.120349837  0.088349376
A8   0.00280880  0.113015575  0.104162248 -0.044162177
A9  -0.08946712  0.264921884  0.300141550  0.006660382
A10  0.07463149  0.294926763  0.003391731  0.039724992
A11 -0.03884721  0.174074144 -0.049205220  0.017239941
A12  0.09591110  0.236826194  0.306467480  0.152657438
A13  0.06764074  0.008894149  0.153339703  0.282818329
A14  0.06773091  0.345196719  0.357554958  0.055908237
A15  0.07388225  0.070779627  0.144443638 -0.101369102
A16  0.32735352  0.308486460  0.011658736  0.288857220
A17  1.00000000  0.420310840  0.107777979  0.375461868
A18  0.42031084  1.000000000  0.136292545  0.239382987
A19  0.10777798  0.136292545  1.000000000  0.086140665
A20  0.37546187  0.239382987  0.086140665  1.000000000
> myxlabs
 [1] "A1"  "A2"  "A3"  "A4"  "A5"  "A6"  "A7"  "A8"  "A9"  "A10"
> myylabs
 [1] "A11" "A12" "A13" "A14" "A15" "A16" "A17" "A18" "A19" "A20"

Computational Result \tabularnewline
> myoutput
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5          A6
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771 0.092910961
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364 0.146216633
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681 0.081137899
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065 0.230400586
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000 0.009814236
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236 1.000000000
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378 0.055631909
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045 0.104916143
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088 0.075613220
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013 0.170358464
             A7          A8           A9         A10
A1   0.16341647  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.14218372
A2   0.15750166  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.13564428
A3  -0.22147254  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.00890087
A4  -0.28264141 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.12230506
A5   0.10914938  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.06146001
A6   0.05563191  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.17035846
A7   1.00000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.12539123
A8   0.21490391  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.37290314
A9   0.13454962 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.08638452
A10  0.12539123  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.00000000
            A11         A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A11  1.00000000 -0.09507846 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.09507846  1.00000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.07694988  0.18221968  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.02705678  0.28055664  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.08087867  0.14149847 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.10929223  0.19316228  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.03884721  0.09591110  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.17407414  0.23682619  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.04920522  0.30646748  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.01723994  0.15265744  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17         A18         A19         A20
A11 -0.03884721 0.174074144 -0.04920522  0.01723994
A12  0.09591110 0.236826194  0.30646748  0.15265744
A13  0.06764074 0.008894149  0.15333970  0.28281833
A14  0.06773091 0.345196719  0.35755496  0.05590824
A15  0.07388225 0.070779627  0.14444364 -0.10136910
A16  0.32735352 0.308486460  0.01165874  0.28885722
A17  1.00000000 0.420310840  0.10777798  0.37546187
A18  0.42031084 1.000000000  0.13629254  0.23938299
A19  0.10777798 0.136292545  1.00000000  0.08614067
A20  0.37546187 0.239382987  0.08614067  1.00000000
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013
A11  0.093647844  0.067175488  0.13056330  0.041429586 -0.132538909
A12  0.305509282  0.026977806  0.14074517 -0.157081540 -0.057727210
A13  0.101722931 -0.047397959 -0.13666658 -0.146664296 -0.019837014
A14  0.231767319 -0.209303622  0.16750287  0.064860553 -0.114328379
A15  0.148038297  0.054213633  0.44529731  0.030194812 -0.068506560
A16  0.123499399 -0.235940629 -0.11473444  0.149276509 -0.141317580
A17  0.073844668 -0.152332801 -0.11766151  0.027036172 -0.071785787
A18  0.060814690 -0.045107400  0.01445133  0.087774963 -0.190132140
A19  0.104565051 -0.031719811 -0.20895564 -0.185123555  0.171947894
A20  0.286441815 -0.224540302 -0.20159899 -0.030995711 -0.206093442
              A6           A7          A8           A9          A10
A1   0.092910961  0.163416471  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.142183719
A2   0.146216633  0.157501662  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.135644276
A3   0.081137899 -0.221472541  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.008900870
A4   0.230400586 -0.282641409 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.122305057
A5   0.009814236  0.109149378  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.061460013
A6   1.000000000  0.055631909  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.170358464
A7   0.055631909  1.000000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.125391234
A8   0.104916143  0.214903906  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.372903136
A9   0.075613220  0.134549622 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.086384521
A10  0.170358464  0.125391234  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.000000000
A11  0.097360524  0.006478282  0.11354022 -0.085094870  0.371188481
A12  0.012109974 -0.099165493  0.21743033  0.087561335 -0.006376658
A13  0.118896996  0.303055514  0.10744457  0.027291632 -0.048520195
A14  0.219935161 -0.121850652  0.11262742  0.131010485  0.131085115
A15  0.086088695 -0.247904509  0.01188740  0.081752385 -0.067448261
A16 -0.145066656 -0.174065696 -0.09684841 -0.060487400  0.077262659
A17 -0.055118537  0.049040223  0.00280880 -0.089467123  0.074631488
A18  0.104350521 -0.033930591  0.11301558  0.264921884  0.294926763
A19  0.110217275  0.120349837  0.10416225  0.300141550  0.003391731
A20 -0.092851838  0.088349376 -0.04416218  0.006660382  0.039724992
             A11          A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A1   0.093647844  0.305509282  0.101722931  0.23176732  0.14803830  0.12349940
A2   0.067175488  0.026977806 -0.047397959 -0.20930362  0.05421363 -0.23594063
A3   0.130563304  0.140745174 -0.136666578  0.16750287  0.44529731 -0.11473444
A4   0.041429586 -0.157081540 -0.146664296  0.06486055  0.03019481  0.14927651
A5  -0.132538909 -0.057727210 -0.019837014 -0.11432838 -0.06850656 -0.14131758
A6   0.097360524  0.012109974  0.118896996  0.21993516  0.08608870 -0.14506666
A7   0.006478282 -0.099165493  0.303055514 -0.12185065 -0.24790451 -0.17406570
A8   0.113540215  0.217430326  0.107444565  0.11262742  0.01188740 -0.09684841
A9  -0.085094870  0.087561335  0.027291632  0.13101048  0.08175238 -0.06048740
A10  0.371188481 -0.006376658 -0.048520195  0.13108511 -0.06744826  0.07726266
A11  1.000000000 -0.095078460 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.095078460  1.000000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.076949880  0.182219685  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.027056779  0.280556638  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.080878671  0.141498472 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.109292231  0.193162284  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.038847209  0.095911098  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.174074144  0.236826194  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.049205220  0.306467480  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.017239941  0.152657438  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17          A18          A19          A20
A1   0.07384467  0.060814690  0.104565051  0.286441815
A2  -0.15233280 -0.045107400 -0.031719811 -0.224540302
A3  -0.11766151  0.014451335 -0.208955641 -0.201598991
A4   0.02703617  0.087774963 -0.185123555 -0.030995711
A5  -0.07178579 -0.190132140  0.171947894 -0.206093442
A6  -0.05511854  0.104350521  0.110217275 -0.092851838
A7   0.04904022 -0.033930591  0.120349837  0.088349376
A8   0.00280880  0.113015575  0.104162248 -0.044162177
A9  -0.08946712  0.264921884  0.300141550  0.006660382
A10  0.07463149  0.294926763  0.003391731  0.039724992
A11 -0.03884721  0.174074144 -0.049205220  0.017239941
A12  0.09591110  0.236826194  0.306467480  0.152657438
A13  0.06764074  0.008894149  0.153339703  0.282818329
A14  0.06773091  0.345196719  0.357554958  0.055908237
A15  0.07388225  0.070779627  0.144443638 -0.101369102
A16  0.32735352  0.308486460  0.011658736  0.288857220
A17  1.00000000  0.420310840  0.107777979  0.375461868
A18  0.42031084  1.000000000  0.136292545  0.239382987
A19  0.10777798  0.136292545  1.000000000  0.086140665
A20  0.37546187  0.239382987  0.086140665  1.000000000
> myxlabs
 [1] "A1"  "A2"  "A3"  "A4"  "A5"  "A6"  "A7"  "A8"  "A9"  "A10"
> myylabs
 [1] "A11" "A12" "A13" "A14" "A15" "A16" "A17" "A18" "A19" "A20"
\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular} %Source:

[ROW][C]Computational Result[/C][/ROW]
> myoutput
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5          A6
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771 0.092910961
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364 0.146216633
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681 0.081137899
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065 0.230400586
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000 0.009814236
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236 1.000000000
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378 0.055631909
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045 0.104916143
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088 0.075613220
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013 0.170358464
             A7          A8           A9         A10
A1   0.16341647  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.14218372
A2   0.15750166  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.13564428
A3  -0.22147254  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.00890087
A4  -0.28264141 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.12230506
A5   0.10914938  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.06146001
A6   0.05563191  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.17035846
A7   1.00000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.12539123
A8   0.21490391  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.37290314
A9   0.13454962 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.08638452
A10  0.12539123  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.00000000
            A11         A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A11  1.00000000 -0.09507846 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.09507846  1.00000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.07694988  0.18221968  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.02705678  0.28055664  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.08087867  0.14149847 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.10929223  0.19316228  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.03884721  0.09591110  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.17407414  0.23682619  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.04920522  0.30646748  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.01723994  0.15265744  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17         A18         A19         A20
A11 -0.03884721 0.174074144 -0.04920522  0.01723994
A12  0.09591110 0.236826194  0.30646748  0.15265744
A13  0.06764074 0.008894149  0.15333970  0.28281833
A14  0.06773091 0.345196719  0.35755496  0.05590824
A15  0.07388225 0.070779627  0.14444364 -0.10136910
A16  0.32735352 0.308486460  0.01165874  0.28885722
A17  1.00000000 0.420310840  0.10777798  0.37546187
A18  0.42031084 1.000000000  0.13629254  0.23938299
A19  0.10777798 0.136292545  1.00000000  0.08614067
A20  0.37546187 0.239382987  0.08614067  1.00000000
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013
A11  0.093647844  0.067175488  0.13056330  0.041429586 -0.132538909
A12  0.305509282  0.026977806  0.14074517 -0.157081540 -0.057727210
A13  0.101722931 -0.047397959 -0.13666658 -0.146664296 -0.019837014
A14  0.231767319 -0.209303622  0.16750287  0.064860553 -0.114328379
A15  0.148038297  0.054213633  0.44529731  0.030194812 -0.068506560
A16  0.123499399 -0.235940629 -0.11473444  0.149276509 -0.141317580
A17  0.073844668 -0.152332801 -0.11766151  0.027036172 -0.071785787
A18  0.060814690 -0.045107400  0.01445133  0.087774963 -0.190132140
A19  0.104565051 -0.031719811 -0.20895564 -0.185123555  0.171947894
A20  0.286441815 -0.224540302 -0.20159899 -0.030995711 -0.206093442
              A6           A7          A8           A9          A10
A1   0.092910961  0.163416471  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.142183719
A2   0.146216633  0.157501662  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.135644276
A3   0.081137899 -0.221472541  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.008900870
A4   0.230400586 -0.282641409 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.122305057
A5   0.009814236  0.109149378  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.061460013
A6   1.000000000  0.055631909  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.170358464
A7   0.055631909  1.000000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.125391234
A8   0.104916143  0.214903906  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.372903136
A9   0.075613220  0.134549622 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.086384521
A10  0.170358464  0.125391234  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.000000000
A11  0.097360524  0.006478282  0.11354022 -0.085094870  0.371188481
A12  0.012109974 -0.099165493  0.21743033  0.087561335 -0.006376658
A13  0.118896996  0.303055514  0.10744457  0.027291632 -0.048520195
A14  0.219935161 -0.121850652  0.11262742  0.131010485  0.131085115
A15  0.086088695 -0.247904509  0.01188740  0.081752385 -0.067448261
A16 -0.145066656 -0.174065696 -0.09684841 -0.060487400  0.077262659
A17 -0.055118537  0.049040223  0.00280880 -0.089467123  0.074631488
A18  0.104350521 -0.033930591  0.11301558  0.264921884  0.294926763
A19  0.110217275  0.120349837  0.10416225  0.300141550  0.003391731
A20 -0.092851838  0.088349376 -0.04416218  0.006660382  0.039724992
             A11          A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A1   0.093647844  0.305509282  0.101722931  0.23176732  0.14803830  0.12349940
A2   0.067175488  0.026977806 -0.047397959 -0.20930362  0.05421363 -0.23594063
A3   0.130563304  0.140745174 -0.136666578  0.16750287  0.44529731 -0.11473444
A4   0.041429586 -0.157081540 -0.146664296  0.06486055  0.03019481  0.14927651
A5  -0.132538909 -0.057727210 -0.019837014 -0.11432838 -0.06850656 -0.14131758
A6   0.097360524  0.012109974  0.118896996  0.21993516  0.08608870 -0.14506666
A7   0.006478282 -0.099165493  0.303055514 -0.12185065 -0.24790451 -0.17406570
A8   0.113540215  0.217430326  0.107444565  0.11262742  0.01188740 -0.09684841
A9  -0.085094870  0.087561335  0.027291632  0.13101048  0.08175238 -0.06048740
A10  0.371188481 -0.006376658 -0.048520195  0.13108511 -0.06744826  0.07726266
A11  1.000000000 -0.095078460 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.095078460  1.000000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.076949880  0.182219685  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.027056779  0.280556638  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.080878671  0.141498472 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.109292231  0.193162284  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.038847209  0.095911098  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.174074144  0.236826194  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.049205220  0.306467480  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.017239941  0.152657438  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17          A18          A19          A20
A1   0.07384467  0.060814690  0.104565051  0.286441815
A2  -0.15233280 -0.045107400 -0.031719811 -0.224540302
A3  -0.11766151  0.014451335 -0.208955641 -0.201598991
A4   0.02703617  0.087774963 -0.185123555 -0.030995711
A5  -0.07178579 -0.190132140  0.171947894 -0.206093442
A6  -0.05511854  0.104350521  0.110217275 -0.092851838
A7   0.04904022 -0.033930591  0.120349837  0.088349376
A8   0.00280880  0.113015575  0.104162248 -0.044162177
A9  -0.08946712  0.264921884  0.300141550  0.006660382
A10  0.07463149  0.294926763  0.003391731  0.039724992
A11 -0.03884721  0.174074144 -0.049205220  0.017239941
A12  0.09591110  0.236826194  0.306467480  0.152657438
A13  0.06764074  0.008894149  0.153339703  0.282818329
A14  0.06773091  0.345196719  0.357554958  0.055908237
A15  0.07388225  0.070779627  0.144443638 -0.101369102
A16  0.32735352  0.308486460  0.011658736  0.288857220
A17  1.00000000  0.420310840  0.107777979  0.375461868
A18  0.42031084  1.000000000  0.136292545  0.239382987
A19  0.10777798  0.136292545  1.000000000  0.086140665
A20  0.37546187  0.239382987  0.086140665  1.000000000
> myxlabs
 [1] "A1"  "A2"  "A3"  "A4"  "A5"  "A6"  "A7"  "A8"  "A9"  "A10"
> myylabs
 [1] "A11" "A12" "A13" "A14" "A15" "A16" "A17" "A18" "A19" "A20"
[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Computational Result
> myoutput
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5          A6
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771 0.092910961
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364 0.146216633
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681 0.081137899
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065 0.230400586
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000 0.009814236
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236 1.000000000
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378 0.055631909
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045 0.104916143
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088 0.075613220
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013 0.170358464
             A7          A8           A9         A10
A1   0.16341647  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.14218372
A2   0.15750166  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.13564428
A3  -0.22147254  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.00890087
A4  -0.28264141 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.12230506
A5   0.10914938  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.06146001
A6   0.05563191  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.17035846
A7   1.00000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.12539123
A8   0.21490391  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.37290314
A9   0.13454962 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.08638452
A10  0.12539123  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.00000000
            A11         A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A11  1.00000000 -0.09507846 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.09507846  1.00000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.07694988  0.18221968  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.02705678  0.28055664  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.08087867  0.14149847 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.10929223  0.19316228  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.03884721  0.09591110  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.17407414  0.23682619  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.04920522  0.30646748  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.01723994  0.15265744  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17         A18         A19         A20
A11 -0.03884721 0.174074144 -0.04920522  0.01723994
A12  0.09591110 0.236826194  0.30646748  0.15265744
A13  0.06764074 0.008894149  0.15333970  0.28281833
A14  0.06773091 0.345196719  0.35755496  0.05590824
A15  0.07388225 0.070779627  0.14444364 -0.10136910
A16  0.32735352 0.308486460  0.01165874  0.28885722
A17  1.00000000 0.420310840  0.10777798  0.37546187
A18  0.42031084 1.000000000  0.13629254  0.23938299
A19  0.10777798 0.136292545  1.00000000  0.08614067
A20  0.37546187 0.239382987  0.08614067  1.00000000
              A1           A2          A3           A4           A5
A1   1.000000000  0.108937346  0.16167854 -0.101907897 -0.113492771
A2   0.108937346  1.000000000 -0.02219782 -0.006315027  0.275184364
A3   0.161678543 -0.022197823  1.00000000  0.156493278 -0.325537681
A4  -0.101907897 -0.006315027  0.15649328  1.000000000 -0.056163065
A5  -0.113492771  0.275184364 -0.32553768 -0.056163065  1.000000000
A6   0.092910961  0.146216633  0.08113790  0.230400586  0.009814236
A7   0.163416471  0.157501662 -0.22147254 -0.282641409  0.109149378
A8   0.357665215  0.276041899  0.14310753 -0.024015775  0.210053045
A9   0.003998774  0.092613737  0.09622609 -0.179263548 -0.036205088
A10  0.142183719  0.135644276  0.00890087 -0.122305057  0.061460013
A11  0.093647844  0.067175488  0.13056330  0.041429586 -0.132538909
A12  0.305509282  0.026977806  0.14074517 -0.157081540 -0.057727210
A13  0.101722931 -0.047397959 -0.13666658 -0.146664296 -0.019837014
A14  0.231767319 -0.209303622  0.16750287  0.064860553 -0.114328379
A15  0.148038297  0.054213633  0.44529731  0.030194812 -0.068506560
A16  0.123499399 -0.235940629 -0.11473444  0.149276509 -0.141317580
A17  0.073844668 -0.152332801 -0.11766151  0.027036172 -0.071785787
A18  0.060814690 -0.045107400  0.01445133  0.087774963 -0.190132140
A19  0.104565051 -0.031719811 -0.20895564 -0.185123555  0.171947894
A20  0.286441815 -0.224540302 -0.20159899 -0.030995711 -0.206093442
              A6           A7          A8           A9          A10
A1   0.092910961  0.163416471  0.35766521  0.003998774  0.142183719
A2   0.146216633  0.157501662  0.27604190  0.092613737  0.135644276
A3   0.081137899 -0.221472541  0.14310753  0.096226088  0.008900870
A4   0.230400586 -0.282641409 -0.02401577 -0.179263548 -0.122305057
A5   0.009814236  0.109149378  0.21005305 -0.036205088  0.061460013
A6   1.000000000  0.055631909  0.10491614  0.075613220  0.170358464
A7   0.055631909  1.000000000  0.21490391  0.134549622  0.125391234
A8   0.104916143  0.214903906  1.00000000 -0.070802448  0.372903136
A9   0.075613220  0.134549622 -0.07080245  1.000000000  0.086384521
A10  0.170358464  0.125391234  0.37290314  0.086384521  1.000000000
A11  0.097360524  0.006478282  0.11354022 -0.085094870  0.371188481
A12  0.012109974 -0.099165493  0.21743033  0.087561335 -0.006376658
A13  0.118896996  0.303055514  0.10744457  0.027291632 -0.048520195
A14  0.219935161 -0.121850652  0.11262742  0.131010485  0.131085115
A15  0.086088695 -0.247904509  0.01188740  0.081752385 -0.067448261
A16 -0.145066656 -0.174065696 -0.09684841 -0.060487400  0.077262659
A17 -0.055118537  0.049040223  0.00280880 -0.089467123  0.074631488
A18  0.104350521 -0.033930591  0.11301558  0.264921884  0.294926763
A19  0.110217275  0.120349837  0.10416225  0.300141550  0.003391731
A20 -0.092851838  0.088349376 -0.04416218  0.006660382  0.039724992
             A11          A12          A13         A14         A15         A16
A1   0.093647844  0.305509282  0.101722931  0.23176732  0.14803830  0.12349940
A2   0.067175488  0.026977806 -0.047397959 -0.20930362  0.05421363 -0.23594063
A3   0.130563304  0.140745174 -0.136666578  0.16750287  0.44529731 -0.11473444
A4   0.041429586 -0.157081540 -0.146664296  0.06486055  0.03019481  0.14927651
A5  -0.132538909 -0.057727210 -0.019837014 -0.11432838 -0.06850656 -0.14131758
A6   0.097360524  0.012109974  0.118896996  0.21993516  0.08608870 -0.14506666
A7   0.006478282 -0.099165493  0.303055514 -0.12185065 -0.24790451 -0.17406570
A8   0.113540215  0.217430326  0.107444565  0.11262742  0.01188740 -0.09684841
A9  -0.085094870  0.087561335  0.027291632  0.13101048  0.08175238 -0.06048740
A10  0.371188481 -0.006376658 -0.048520195  0.13108511 -0.06744826  0.07726266
A11  1.000000000 -0.095078460 -0.076949880 -0.02705678  0.08087867  0.10929223
A12 -0.095078460  1.000000000  0.182219685  0.28055664  0.14149847  0.19316228
A13 -0.076949880  0.182219685  1.000000000  0.12272679 -0.06314759  0.02286545
A14 -0.027056779  0.280556638  0.122726791  1.00000000  0.36977933  0.04533395
A15  0.080878671  0.141498472 -0.063147587  0.36977933  1.00000000 -0.02827398
A16  0.109292231  0.193162284  0.022865454  0.04533395 -0.02827398  1.00000000
A17 -0.038847209  0.095911098  0.067640745  0.06773091  0.07388225  0.32735352
A18  0.174074144  0.236826194  0.008894149  0.34519672  0.07077963  0.30848646
A19 -0.049205220  0.306467480  0.153339703  0.35755496  0.14444364  0.01165874
A20  0.017239941  0.152657438  0.282818329  0.05590824 -0.10136910  0.28885722
            A17          A18          A19          A20
A1   0.07384467  0.060814690  0.104565051  0.286441815
A2  -0.15233280 -0.045107400 -0.031719811 -0.224540302
A3  -0.11766151  0.014451335 -0.208955641 -0.201598991
A4   0.02703617  0.087774963 -0.185123555 -0.030995711
A5  -0.07178579 -0.190132140  0.171947894 -0.206093442
A6  -0.05511854  0.104350521  0.110217275 -0.092851838
A7   0.04904022 -0.033930591  0.120349837  0.088349376
A8   0.00280880  0.113015575  0.104162248 -0.044162177
A9  -0.08946712  0.264921884  0.300141550  0.006660382
A10  0.07463149  0.294926763  0.003391731  0.039724992
A11 -0.03884721  0.174074144 -0.049205220  0.017239941
A12  0.09591110  0.236826194  0.306467480  0.152657438
A13  0.06764074  0.008894149  0.153339703  0.282818329
A14  0.06773091  0.345196719  0.357554958  0.055908237
A15  0.07388225  0.070779627  0.144443638 -0.101369102
A16  0.32735352  0.308486460  0.011658736  0.288857220
A17  1.00000000  0.420310840  0.107777979  0.375461868
A18  0.42031084  1.000000000  0.136292545  0.239382987
A19  0.10777798  0.136292545  1.000000000  0.086140665
A20  0.37546187  0.239382987  0.086140665  1.000000000
> myxlabs
 [1] "A1"  "A2"  "A3"  "A4"  "A5"  "A6"  "A7"  "A8"  "A9"  "A10"
> myylabs
 [1] "A11" "A12" "A13" "A14" "A15" "A16" "A17" "A18" "A19" "A20"

Parameters (Session):
par1 = correlation matrix ; par2 = ATTLES connected ; par3 = ATTLES separate ; par4 = female ; par5 = bachelor ; par6 = 1 ;
Parameters (R input):
par1 = correlation matrix ; par2 = ATTLES connected ; par3 = ATTLES separate ; par4 = female ; par5 = bachelor ; par6 = 1 ;
R code (references can be found in the software module):
myxlabs <- 'NA'
image.plot <- function (..., add = FALSE, nlevel = 64, horizontal = FALSE,
legend.shrink = 0.9, legend.width = 1.2, legend.mar = ifelse(horizontal,
3.1, 5.1), legend.lab = NULL, graphics.reset = FALSE,
bigplot = NULL, smallplot = NULL, legend.only = FALSE, col = tim.colors(nlevel),
lab.breaks = NULL, axis.args = NULL, legend.args = NULL,
midpoint = FALSE)
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
info <-
if (add) {
big.plot <- old.par$plt
if (legend.only) {
graphics.reset <- TRUE
if (is.null(legend.mar)) {
legend.mar <- ifelse(horizontal, 3.1, 5.1)
temp <- image.plot.plt(add = add, legend.shrink = legend.shrink,
legend.width = legend.width, legend.mar = legend.mar,
horizontal = horizontal, bigplot = bigplot, smallplot = smallplot)
smallplot <- temp$smallplot
bigplot <- temp$bigplot
if (!legend.only) {
if (!add) {
par(plt = bigplot)
if (!info$poly.grid) {
image(..., add = add, col = col)
else {
poly.image(..., add = add, col = col, midpoint = midpoint)
big.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if ((smallplot[2] < smallplot[1]) | (smallplot[4] < smallplot[3])) {
stop('plot region too small to add legend
ix <- 1
minz <- info$zlim[1]
maxz <- info$zlim[2]
binwidth <- (maxz - minz)/nlevel
midpoints <- seq(minz + binwidth/2, maxz - binwidth/2, by = binwidth)
iy <- midpoints
iz <- matrix(iy, nrow = 1, ncol = length(iy))
breaks <- list(...)$breaks
par(new = TRUE, pty = 'm', plt = smallplot, err = -1)
if (is.null(breaks)) {
axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4),
mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2)),
else {
if (is.null(lab.breaks)) {
lab.breaks <- format(breaks)
axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4),
mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2),
at = breaks, labels = lab.breaks), axis.args)
if (!horizontal) {
if (is.null(breaks)) {
image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '',
ylab = '', col = col)
else {
image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '',
ylab = '', col = col, breaks = breaks)
else {
if (is.null(breaks)) {
image(iy, ix, t(iz), xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '',
ylab = '', col = col)
else {
image(iy, ix, t(iz), xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '',
ylab = '', col = col, breaks = breaks)
if (!is.null(legend.lab)) {
legend.args <- list(text = legend.lab, side = ifelse(horizontal,
1, 4), line = legend.mar - 2)
if (!is.null(legend.args)) {
} <- par()$mfg
if (graphics.reset | add) {
par(mfg =, new = FALSE)
else {
par(plt = big.par$plt, xpd = FALSE)
par(mfg =, new = FALSE)
image.plot.plt <- function (x, add = FALSE, legend.shrink = 0.9, legend.width = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, legend.mar = NULL, bigplot = NULL, smallplot = NULL,
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (is.null(smallplot))
stick <- TRUE
else stick <- FALSE
if (is.null(legend.mar)) {
legend.mar <- ifelse(horizontal, 3.1, 5.1)
char.size <- ifelse(horizontal, par()$cin[2]/par()$din[2],
offset <- char.size * ifelse(horizontal, par()$mar[1], par()$mar[4])
legend.width <- char.size * legend.width
legend.mar <- legend.mar * char.size
if (is.null(smallplot)) {
smallplot <- old.par$plt
if (horizontal) {
smallplot[3] <- legend.mar
smallplot[4] <- legend.width + smallplot[3]
pr <- (smallplot[2] - smallplot[1]) * ((1 - legend.shrink)/2)
smallplot[1] <- smallplot[1] + pr
smallplot[2] <- smallplot[2] - pr
else {
smallplot[2] <- 1 - legend.mar
smallplot[1] <- smallplot[2] - legend.width
pr <- (smallplot[4] - smallplot[3]) * ((1 - legend.shrink)/2)
smallplot[4] <- smallplot[4] - pr
smallplot[3] <- smallplot[3] + pr
if (is.null(bigplot)) {
bigplot <- old.par$plt
if (!horizontal) {
bigplot[2] <- min(bigplot[2], smallplot[1] - offset)
else { <- old.par$mar[1] * char.size
bigplot[3] <- smallplot[4] + offset
if (stick & (!horizontal)) {
dp <- smallplot[2] - smallplot[1]
smallplot[1] <- min(bigplot[2] + offset, smallplot[1])
smallplot[2] <- smallplot[1] + dp
return(list(smallplot = smallplot, bigplot = bigplot))
} <- function (...)
temp <- list(...)
xlim <- NA
ylim <- NA
zlim <- NA
poly.grid <- FALSE
if (is.list(temp[[1]])) {
xlim <- range(temp[[1]]$x, na.rm = TRUE)
ylim <- range(temp[[1]]$y, na.rm = TRUE)
zlim <- range(temp[[1]]$z, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.matrix(temp[[1]]$x) & is.matrix(temp[[1]]$y) &
is.matrix(temp[[1]]$z)) {
poly.grid <- TRUE
if (length(temp) >= 3) {
if (is.matrix(temp[[1]]) & is.matrix(temp[[2]]) & is.matrix(temp[[3]])) {
poly.grid <- TRUE
if (is.matrix(temp[[1]]) & !poly.grid) {
xlim <- c(0, 1)
ylim <- c(0, 1)
zlim <- range(temp[[1]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (length(temp) >= 3) {
if (is.matrix(temp[[3]])) {
xlim <- range(temp[[1]], na.rm = TRUE)
ylim <- range(temp[[2]], na.rm = TRUE)
zlim <- range(temp[[3]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.matrix(temp$x) & is.matrix(temp$y) & is.matrix(temp$z)) {
poly.grid <- TRUE
xthere <- match('x', names(temp))
ythere <- match('y', names(temp))
zthere <- match('z', names(temp))
if (!
zlim <- range(temp$z, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!
xlim <- range(temp$x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!
ylim <- range(temp$y, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!is.null(temp$zlim))
zlim <- temp$zlim
if (!is.null(temp$xlim))
xlim <- temp$xlim
if (!is.null(temp$ylim))
ylim <- temp$ylim
list(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, zlim = zlim, poly.grid = poly.grid)
matcor <- function (X, Y, method='kendall') {
matcorX = cor(X, use = 'pairwise', method=method)
matcorY = cor(Y, use = 'pairwise', method=method)
matcorXY = cor(cbind(X, Y), use = 'pairwise', method=method)
return(list(Xcor = matcorX, Ycor = matcorY, XYcor = matcorXY))
matcor.p <- function (X, Y, method='kendall') {
lx <- length(X[1,])
ly <- length(Y[1,])
myretarr <- array(NA,dim=c(lx,ly))
mymetaarr.x <- array(0,dim=c(lx,10))
mymetaarr.y <- array(0,dim=c(ly,10))
mymetaarr.xp <- array(0,dim=c(lx,10))
mymetaarr.yp <- array(0,dim=c(ly,10))
for (xi in 1:lx) {
for (yi in 1:ly) {
myretarr[xi,yi] <- cor.test(X[,xi],Y[,yi],method=method)$p.value
for (myp in (1:10)) {
if (myretarr[xi,yi] < myp/1000) {
mymetaarr.x[xi,myp] = mymetaarr.x[xi,myp] + 1
mymetaarr.y[yi,myp] = mymetaarr.y[yi,myp] + 1
mymetaarr.xp = mymetaarr.x / ly
mymetaarr.yp = mymetaarr.y / lx
return(list(XYcor = myretarr, Xmeta = mymetaarr.x, Ymeta = mymetaarr.y, Xmetap = mymetaarr.xp, Ymetap = mymetaarr.yp))
tim.colors <- function (n = 64) {
orig <- c('#00008F', '#00009F', '#0000AF', '#0000BF', '#0000CF',
'#0000DF', '#0000EF', '#0000FF', '#0010FF', '#0020FF',
'#0030FF', '#0040FF', '#0050FF', '#0060FF', '#0070FF',
'#0080FF', '#008FFF', '#009FFF', '#00AFFF', '#00BFFF',
'#00CFFF', '#00DFFF', '#00EFFF', '#00FFFF', '#10FFEF',
'#20FFDF', '#30FFCF', '#40FFBF', '#50FFAF', '#60FF9F',
'#70FF8F', '#80FF80', '#8FFF70', '#9FFF60', '#AFFF50',
'#BFFF40', '#CFFF30', '#DFFF20', '#EFFF10', '#999999',
'#FFEF00', '#FFDF00', '#FFCF00', '#FFBF00', '#FFAF00',
'#FF9F00', '#FF8F00', '#FF8000', '#FF7000', '#FF6000',
'#FF5000', '#FF4000', '#FF3000', '#FF2000', '#FF1000',
'#FF0000', '#EF0000', '#DF0000', '#CF0000', '#BF0000',
'#AF0000', '#9F0000', '#8F0000', '#800000')
if (n == 64)
rgb.tim <- t(col2rgb(orig))
temp <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = n)
x <- seq(0, 1, , 64)
xg <- seq(0, 1, , n)
for (k in 1:3) {
hold <- splint(x, rgb.tim[, k], xg)
hold[hold < 0] <- 0
hold[hold > 255] <- 255
temp[, k] <- round(hold)
rgb(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], temp[, 3], maxColorValue = 255)
img.matcor <- function (correl, title='XY correlation') {
matcorX = correl$Xcor
matcorY = correl$Ycor
matcorXY = correl$XYcor
lX = ncol(matcorX)
lY = ncol(matcorY)
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), pty = 's')
image(1:(lX + lY), 1:(lX + lY), t(matcorXY[nrow(matcorXY):1,]), zlim = c(-1, 1), main = title,
col = tim.colors(64), axes = FALSE, , xlab = '', ylab = '')
abline(h = lY + 0.5, v = lX + 0.5, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
image.plot(legend.only = TRUE, zlim = c(-1, 1), col = tim.colors(64), horizontal = TRUE)
x <-'',sep=',',header=T))
x$U25 <- 6-x$U25
if(par4 == 'female') x <- x[x$Gender==0,]
if(par4 == 'male') x <- x[x$Gender==1,]
if(par5 == 'prep') x <- x[x$Pop==1,]
if(par5 == 'bachelor') x <- x[x$Pop==0,]
if(par6 != 'all') {
x <- x[x$Year==as.numeric(par6),]
cAc <- with(x,cbind( A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9,A10))
cAs <- with(x,cbind(A11,A12,A13,A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20))
cA <- cbind(cAc,cAs)
cCa <- with(x,cbind(C1,C3,C5,C7, C9,C11,C13,C15,C17,C19,C21,C23,C25,C27,C29,C31,C33,C35,C37,C39,C41,C43,C45,C47))
cCp <- with(x,cbind(C2,C4,C6,C8,C10,C12,C14,C16,C18,C20,C22,C24,C26,C28,C30,C32,C34,C36,C38,C40,C42,C44,C46,C48))
cC <- cbind(cCa,cCp)
cU <- with(x,cbind(U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6,U7,U8,U9,U10,U11,U12,U13,U14,U15,U16,U17,U18,U19,U20,U21,U22,U23,U24,U25,U26,U27,U28,U29,U30,U31,U32,U33))
cE <- with(x,cbind(BC,NNZFG,MRT,AFL,LPM,LPC,W,WPA))
cX <- with(x,cbind(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13,X14,X15,X16,X17,X18))
if (par2=='ATTLES connected') myX <- cAc
if (par3=='ATTLES connected') myY <- cAc
if (par2=='ATTLES separate') myX <- cAs
if (par3=='ATTLES separate') myY <- cAs
if (par2=='ATTLES all') myX <- cA
if (par3=='ATTLES all') myY <- cA
if (par2=='COLLES actuals') myX <- cCa
if (par3=='COLLES actuals') myY <- cCa
if (par2=='COLLES preferred') myX <- cCp
if (par3=='COLLES preferred') myY <- cCp
if (par2=='COLLES all') myX <- cC
if (par3=='COLLES all') myY <- cC
if (par2=='CSUQ') myX <- cU
if (par3=='CSUQ') myY <- cU
if (par2=='Learning Activities') myX <- cE
if (par3=='Learning Activities') myY <- cE
if (par2=='Exam Items') myX <- cX
if (par3=='Exam Items') myY <- cX
if (par1=='correlation matrix') {
correl <- with(x,matcor(myX,myY))
myoutput <- correl
myxlabs <- colnames(myX)
myylabs <- colnames(myY)
img.matcor(correl, title=paste(par2,' and ',par3,sep=''))
if (par1=='meta analysis (separate)') {
myl <- length(myY[1,])
nr <- round(sqrt(myl))
nc <- nr
if (nr*nr < myl) nc = nc +1
r <- matcor.p(myX,myY)
myoutput <- r$Ymetap
myylabs <- colnames(myY)
op <- par(mfrow=c(nr,nc))
for (i in 1:myl) {
plot((1:10)/1000,r$Ymetap[i,],xlab='type I error',ylab='#sign./#corr.',main=colnames(myY)[i], type='b',ylim=c(0,max(r$Ymetap[i,])))
if (par1=='meta analysis (overlay)') {
myl <- length(myY[1,])
r <- matcor.p(myX,myY)
myoutput <- r$Ymetap
myylabs <- colnames(myY)
plot((1:10)/1000,r$Ymetap[1,], xlab='type I error', ylab='#sign./#corr.', main=par3, type='b', ylim=c(0,max(r$Ymetap)), xlim=c(0.001,0.01+ (myl+1)*0.0002))
for (i in 2:myl) {
for (i in 1:myl) text(0.0105+0.0002*i, r$Ymetap[i,10], labels = colnames(myY)[i], cex=0.7)
a<-table.element(a,'Computational Result',1,TRUE)
',RC.texteval('myoutput; myxlabs; myylabs'),'